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Delicious vegan breakfast ideas

 Eating vegetarian diets is one of the popular food trends, and it is one of the diets that are very beneficial for our bodies, as it preserves the animals on earth as well. Follow the article with us and find out the best and Delicious vegan breakfast ideas. 

However, many believe that being vegetarian means that a person can live on eating lettuce only, and therefore the nutritional value found in food, especially protein, may be lost.

And when you decide to follow a plant-based diet, you have to follow it correctly, a vegetarian-only diet can meet all your nutritional needs, but what about breakfast.

vegan breakfast for better health

vegan breakfast for better health

 Most people eat protein for breakfast. According to the US Department of Agriculture, we eat less than 15% of our total protein intake in the morning.

 Research has said that the distribution of protein throughout the day may be just as important as the total amount we consume within our bodies, as those 24 hours can improve its production by eating breakfast.

 Today we present some of the vegetarian meals that contain at least 15 grams of protein that everyone loves whether you are a vegetarian or not..

 The most important vegetarian meals for breakfast

 Crispy bread:

 Eating creamy crusty bread with smoked salmon is one of the great dishes, but we can replace it with cream cheese.

We also replaced cashews and beans, which reduce saturated fat and replace them with fiber and protein.

You can add tomatoes, which are full of sharp and smoky flavor, as well as smoked red peppers and liquid smoke.

According to the US Department of Agriculture, it says that crunchy bread is the equivalent of eating four slices of white bread and is also a high-protein English muffin.

You can also add some wonderful red onions and some special pickles such as cucumber, or add some fresh dill and garlic.

 cherry kumut:

Kamut cherry is an ancient cherry native to Egypt.

They contain 9.8 g of protein per serving.

They have a unique texture that is thicker than porridges, and is a great match for crunchy walnuts and sweet cherries.

It is rich in omega 3.

Also, cherries help to revive the muscles a lot, according to what was published in the University of New Mexico, which makes it the perfect meal after any exercise.

You can add some peas or soy milk, it gives the dish a lot of fat, and it also adds about 8 grams of protein.

 Breakfast burrito:

 This meal is good for people who don't have time to sit down and eat breakfast, they can make burritos in advance and freeze them, so you can grab one in the morning easily.

It contains 50% protein, so it can be eaten in the morning instead of eggs, and you can also eat a burrito with avocado slices.

And from this meal you will get the perfect breakfast with carbohydrates, protein and fats, which will give you the necessary morning energy.

 Breakfast protein:

 Thanks to its easy-to-handle nature, this great protein meal contains grains and is a high quality protein.

It contains largely vegetables, wild rice with turnip and avocado, and you can add other dishes such as salad, roasted vegetables, sauce or tahini, as it is a meal that is saturated with healthy protein and fats.


 Oats can be eaten with chia seeds, as they are rich in proteins and fibers that are added to your morning diet.

 sweet potato :

 You can eat sweet potatoes with olive oil and some spices you prefer, and store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator.


 According to Cambridge University reports, beans are one of the vegetables that help lower the blood sugar level, and they also support overall bowel function, as they contain vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals.

Some of the delicious recipes are:

 broccoli tomato salad

broccoli tomato salad

How to make broccoli tomato salad?

Broccoli salad is one of the top meals in the world of vegetarian recipes as well as diets, because broccoli contains a small percentage of calories, although it is rich in vegetable protein.

As it provides the body with the necessary fiber and proteins, yet it increases the body's burning rates significantly.

And broccoli salad has other benefits other than weight loss, such as protecting the respiratory system from asthma or bronchial infections, and protecting the body from cancer and kidney disease.


It is considered one of the natural remedies for high or low blood pressure, and it is useful and effective for strengthening the body's immune system.

In this topic, we will present to you ways to prepare broccoli salad in several different flavors, tell us which flavor would you prefer?!


  •  3½ cups broccoli
  •  1 red or yellow pepper, to taste
  •  1 ½ tablespoon cornstarch
  •  1 tablespoon butter
  •  ⅓ cup of orange juice
  •  2 tablespoons onion, chopped into small pieces
  •  1 garlic clove, minced
  •  2 teaspoons mustard

 How to prepare:

Put a deep pot on the fire, and heat a small amount of water.

Add the chopped broccoli and pepper to the pot and let the mixture cook until it boils

After boiling, remove the pot from the heat and cover it tightly so that it does not cool down.

In a non-stick skillet, melt the butter cube and sauté the onion and garlic until golden, then add the starch, mustard and orange juice.

Stir the mixture until the consistency of the sauce is thick.

Bring a serving bowl, arrange the broccoli and pepper, then pour the sauce over them and serve the salad.

It is known that vegetarianism has a variety of reasons, 
some people object to eating meat out of respect for living creatures. 

and these moral reasons have been codified under the framework of various religious beliefs as well as the call to defend animal rights and there are other motives related to health, political, environmental, cultural, aesthetic, economic or personal priority Tell us in the comments For your point of view..

To know  more recipes for vegetarians, click here. 
If you want to know delicious dishes that do not contain eggs, click here.
