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5 Breakfast dishes without eggs

There is no doubt that eggs have nutritional benefits necessary for your health and the health of your family, especially for breakfast, as it increases the feeling of satiety. And is rich in protein necessary for building muscle, but if you do not like eggs and do not prefer them, follow these 5 Breakfast dishes without eggs  rich in the necessary benefits for your health.

7 Breakfast dishes without eggs

 Thyme rolls


  •  3 cups of flour.
  •  a cup of warm water.
  •  ¼ cup powdered milk.
  •  ½ cup olive oil.
  •  a tablespoon of sugar.
  •  A tablespoon of instant yeast.
  •  2 teaspoons salt.

 For stuffing:

  •  ¾ cup sesame thyme
  •  ¾ cup olive oil

 How to prepare:

Put a quarter cup of warm water in a bowl, then add the yeast and sugar, and stir well.

Cover the bowl and put it in a warm place for 15 minutes.

In a large bowl, put the flour, powdered milk and salt, and stir the ingredients.

Add the oil, knead with your hands, then add the yeast, and mix well.

Gradually add water, and knead, until you get a soft and cohesive dough.

Brush the outside of the dough with a little olive oil, cover the bowl with a clean towel or cloth, and leave in a warm place for 60 minutes.

And now preheat the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius.

Roll out the dough with a rolling pin, until it is a rectangle, about one centimeter thick.

Grease the dough with half the amount of olive oil, then sprinkle some thyme on it.

The rest of the olive oil and spread over the thyme, then roll the dough like a Swiss roll.

Cut it into 12:15 slices, then put them in an oven tray greased with olive oil.

Cover the tray with a clean towel, and leave for 30 minutes.

Grease the thyme rolls with a little olive oil, then put the tray in the oven for 25-30 minutes, until you get a golden color.

Put the thyme rolls on serving plates, and serve them at the breakfast table with hot drinks.

Sweet Potato with Yogurt and Banana


  •  2 medium-sized sweet potatoes.
  •  Yogurt cup.
  •  One large banana, peeled and sliced.
  •  A tablespoon of olive oil.
  •  A tablespoon of honey.
  •  A tablespoon of grated chocolate or cocoa.
  •  Ground cinnamon.
  •  Pomegranate for decoration.

 How to prepare:

Heat the oven at 200°C.

Wash the potatoes well and cut them in half.

Brush the potatoes on all sides with a little olive oil.

Put the potatoes in a tray, then put them in the oven for 25 minutes.

Take out the potatoes, then spread honey and cinnamon on top, then put them in the oven again for 5:10 minutes.

Put the potatoes in a serving dish, then spread the yogurt on the face.

Place the banana and pomegranate slices on top of the yogurt, garnish with grated chocolate, and serve warm.

Oats with bananas and nuts


  •  ⅔ a cup of milk.
  •  ½ cup water.
  •  ⅓ cup oats.
  •  Mashed banana.
  •  3 tablespoons chia seeds.
  •  tablespoon flax seeds.
  •  ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon.

 for decoration:

  •  almonds.
  •  dried cherry.
  •  Toasted coconut slices.
  •  ground cinnamon.
  •  honey.

 How to prepare

Put the bananas, chia, oats, cinnamon, milk and water in a bowl, then put it in the fridge overnight.

Set the heat to medium, and put the mixture over a low heat, stirring constantly, until it boils and becomes thick.

Add the amount of flaxseed, and stir for one minute.

Put the oats in serving dishes, garnish with honey, almonds, cherries, coconut and cinnamon, and serve with a drink.

Potatoes with red beans


  •  ½ kilo potatoes, peeled and cut into cubes
  •  ½ kilo sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed
  •  ¾ cup boiled red beans
  •  4 slices of bacon, or pastrami, cut into small cubes
  •  Small bunch of fresh coriander, chopped
  •  2 tablespoons crushed garlic
  •  olive oil
  •  ½ teaspoon
  •  Avocado, peeled, seedless
  •  ⅓ cup of yogurt


  •  crushed garlic clove
  •  2 tablespoons of water
  •  lemon juice
  •  Small bunch of coriander
  •  ½ teaspoon   salt
  •  ¼ teaspoon black pepper

 How to prepare

Put the sauce in a food processor, then put all the ingredients for the sauce, and puree it finely.

Put the sauce in a serving dish, then put it in the refrigerator until serving time.  

Potatoes with red beans on a medium heat, put the cubes of potatoes and potatoes in boiling, salted water, leave them for five to seven minutes only, then drain them from the water.

On a medium heat, heat the oil, then add the garlic, and stir for a minute.

Add the potatoes, potatoes, and salt, and stir-fry for seven to ten minutes.

Add the beans, bacon and coriander, and stir well over a low heat until the color of the meat changes.

Put potatoes on your breakfast table, and serve it with delicious sauce and toasted bread.

Cheese and grilled tomato toast


  •  8 slices of toast.
  •  ½ cup shredded cheddar cheese.
  •  ½ cup butter, at room temperature.
  •  fresh basil leaves bundle.
  •  4 small tomatoes.
  •  2 cloves garlic mashed.
  •  tablespoon olive oil.
  •  ½ teaspoon salt.
  •  ½ teaspoon black pepper.

 How to prepare:

Heat the oven at 200°C.

Cut the tomatoes into medium-thick rings, and put them in a large bowl.

Add garlic, olive oil, salt, and black pepper to the tomatoes in the large bowl, and stir well.

Put the tomatoes in a pyrex tray, then put them in the oven for 20-25 minutes.

Put a slice of toast bread, then put an amount of cheddar on top, then tomato slices, then basil leaves, then the second slice.

Grease the outside of the toast with butter, then repeat these steps with the rest of the bread.

Heat a non-stick frying pan over a medium heat, then place the toast on it, and let it cook for two to three minutes until golden.

Flip the toast on the other side, and leave it for two to three minutes until you get a golden color, then serve it hot.

Click here to read more about breakfast recipes without eggs
Click here to learn about delicious pancakes recipes.  
