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Healthy breakfast for pregnant women

Doctors advise pregnant women to eat healthy food and make sure to choose foods that are beneficial to their health and the health of the fetus. Follow the article with us and find out the best and Delicious Healthy breakfast for pregnant women.

Healthy breakfast for pregnant

Ingredients for a healthy breakfast for pregnant women

 Whole grains and starches:

It is important to eat this group because it contains healthy amounts of fiber that helps you feel full, and vitamin B, which is an important nutrient for the growth of the fetus.

In addition to many minerals, including iron, it is also easy to add to the diet, examples of which are:

  • Whole wheat bread.
  • Low-sugar breakfast cereal.
  • oats. 
  • Low sugar granola.
  • Porridge with wheat germ.

vegetables and fruits:

It is recommended to fill your breakfast plate with 25 to 35 grams of fiber per day provided by the vegetable group.

Which helps to feel full for long periods, lower cholesterol, balance blood sugar, and reduce the risk of constipation, so it is important to eat it for breakfast.

Vegetables and fruits can be eaten chopped, or added to different dishes;  Such as adding spinach to scrambled eggs, and adding strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, or guavas to yogurt.

It is also worth noting that eating fresh fruits is healthier, as dried fruits and ready-made juices may be high in calories and sugar compared to fresh ones.

Milk and milk products as a source of calcium:

It is recommended to consume milk and milk products due to the fact that they are fortified with calcium, such as:

  • Skimmed milk, or 1% fat-reduced milk.
  • A cup of low-fat milk.
  • Soy milk products.
  • the rice.
  •  Calcium-fortified unsweetened oats.
  •  Low-fat cheeses such as cottage cheese and natural cheese.


 It is necessary to take this group because it contains the amino acids that the fetus needs for its growth.

 But you should be careful to stay away from some types that contain processed meats, which are rich in saturated fats.

Examples of healthy proteins include:

  •  eggs.
  •  Peanut Butter.
  •  Labneh provides a good dose of protein and a low amount of calories.
  •  Fava beans are rich in protein and fiber.
  •  Legumes, including chickpeas.


healthy fats:

The group of fats is not essential in every meal, and you should pay attention when eating it due to its high calorie content. Examples include:

  • olive oil
  •  avocado
  •  nuts
  •  The seeds are like chia seeds.

But it is important that it is necessary to eat quantities that suit personal needs only, without extravagance.

 Foods to avoid during pregnancy

The following points show a number of foods that a pregnant woman should beware of:

Cow's milk, unpasteurized goat's milk and soft cheese prepared from both, in addition to soft blue cheese, and soft ripened cheeses.

Raw and uncooked eggs and products containing them, such as homemade mayonnaise and mousse.

Unwashed fruits and vegetables, and salads made with both.

Liver, and products prepared from it, such as liver sausage.

Determine the portions of fish that are two portions per week, if the option of fish is constantly available for breakfast.

Limit the daily intake of caffeine to 200 milligrams per day, including coffee and tea, during pregnancy.

Fried foods, as they are rich in calories, fat, and salt, which often increase risk factors for many diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol in pregnant women.

The importance of breakfast for the expectant mother and the harms of skipping it

Many studies have been conducted that have linked pregnant women skipping breakfast to the health consequences of that, including:

A pregnant woman skipping breakfast may lead to a decrease in her daily intake of important nutrients such as folate and vitamins necessary for fetal growth, which help reduce the risk of pregnancy complications.

Skipping breakfast also leads to high levels of the hormone homocysteine ​​in the blood, which negatively affects the birth process and its results, 

so health care providers must focus and pay attention to the pregnant woman’s eating of breakfast to prevent the rise of this hormone.

Some studies have shown that skipping breakfast leads to gestational diabetes.

One study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2020.

Noting that a pregnant woman's failure to eat breakfast 3 times during the week before pregnancy, and during the early stages of pregnancy, has been associated with an increased risk of gestational diabetes.

It illustrates the role of health care providers in suggesting effective ways to encourage pregnant women to stick to breakfast and increase their daily nutrient intake.

But knowing that the effect of skipping breakfast on the level of these nutrients inside the body is still not clear.

Healthy nutrition for pregnant women

Where a healthy diet, including breakfast, is an important component of a healthy lifestyle, and is an essential part of the lifestyle followed by women who are planning to become pregnant or who are pregnant in particular.

Because it is known that healthy food provides many benefits to the expectant mother, such as feeling healthy. and providing the child with the nutrients that he may need during his development in the womb.

It is worth noting that it is recommended for pregnant women who have started in the second and third trimesters to consume an additional 300 calories per day.

Pregnant women who suffer from heartburn or feel sick during the day are also advised to eat multiple meals in small quantities to suit this stage.

Easy breakfast recipes:

  • Strawberry milkshake.
  • Banana drink with milk.
  • Carrot or orange cake.
  • Peach juice.
  • Orange juice.
  • Wheat pancakes.
  • fruit salad.
  • Oats with milk and fruits.
  • eggs.
  • Spinach omelette.
  • Broccoli omelette with cheddar cheese.

To read more about healthy breakfast for pregnant women, click here. 

To learn more about healthy breakfast for children, click here
