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Always start your day with delicious Low calorie breakfast, because the most important thing is healthy because it provides your body with energy and activity throughout the day.

It also makes you feel full until it's time for the next meal, which prevents you from gaining excess weight.

A systematic review of several studies showed that skipping breakfast increases the risk of obesity or overweight.

Low calorie breakfast

Adequate calories for breakfast

The number of calories that should be consumed during the day varies from person to person, and there is no ideal number of calories that can be eaten at breakfast to help lose weight and reach the ideal weight.

 Where the appropriate number of calories for breakfast depends on the total number of calories that the body needs to obtain daily in order to lose weight.

 These calories are divided into the number of main meals and snacks a person eats during the day, for example:

 If a person's goal is to eat 1200 calories per day so that he can lose weight, but he does not eat much food in the evening time and prefers to exercise after work and sleep early..

 Most of its calories will be distributed in the morning and afternoon times as follows:

  •  Breakfast: 400 calories
  •  Lunch: 400 calories
  •  Pre-workout snack: 200 calories
  •  Post-workout snack: 200 calories

In another example, a housewife needs to eat 1,400 calories per day in order to lose weight.

However, at the same time, she needs to maintain her activity from seven in the morning until ten in the evening and a constant amount of energy throughout the day.

Therefore, its calories can be divided as follows:

  •  Breakfast: 300 calories
  •  Snack: 100 calories
  •  Lunch: 300 calories
  •  Snack: 100 calories
  •  Dinner: 500 calories
  •  After-dinner snack: 100 calories

What are the essential ingredients for a healthy breakfast?

It is preferable to choose healthy and balanced meals when eating during the day instead of pastries or breakfast cereals that contain large amounts of sugar, or white toast with jam..

But this does not mean that these meals can not be eaten sometimes.

It is worth noting that a healthy breakfast should include several basic elements, as follows:

Whole grains:

When preparing breakfast, it is best to avoid refined grains or white bread and choose whole grains and whole grain bread instead.

This is because whole grains contain fiber that helps promote satiety and fullness.

Among these fibers, oats contain a unique type of fiber called beta-glucan fiber, and its consumption may help lower cholesterol levels.

It also provides the body with many other health benefits, so oatmeal made from ground oats is the best choice for breakfast lovers.


Some of the most important examples of protein-rich foods that can be eaten for breakfast are:

Eggs and Cottage Cheese, which is one of the most protein-containing types of cheese, and labneh, which is characterized by containing few calories, and at the same time, it is rich in protein.

It is also permissible to choose other sources of proteins.

Low-fat dairy:

Milk, yogurt, or low-sugar milks are dairy options for breakfast.

Vegetables and fruits:

When preparing breakfast, you can choose from many types of vegetables and fruits;  Most of them are naturally low in fat and sugar and give a feeling of fullness.

This is because vegetables and fruits contain water and fiber, which helps a person eat the same amount of food, but with fewer calories.

We have collected breakfast recipes for you that are low in calories and give your body the vitamins and proteins it needs.

Toast with sliced ​​avocado

Toast with sliced ​​avocado

This meal is one of the best recipes for breakfast, especially as it is rich in vitamins essential for the health of your body.

And preparing it does not require you only 5 minutes, all you have to do is put the avocado slices on top of the brown toast.

Add a little vegetable oil and a pinch of salt.

You can also add a boiled egg or a slice of salmon to make you feel more satiated, and to get the most needed vitamins.

Chia seeds and coconut milk

Chia seeds and coconut milk

Chia seeds contain fiber, protein, calcium and omega-3 fatty acids, which make them a great breakfast food.

 Mix one can of coconut milk with half a cup of chia seeds and a tablespoon of vanilla.

 You can also add a teaspoon of honey to change the flavor to your liking.

 But we recommend that you try adding a few fresh berries or strawberries to this dish.

Eggs with vegetables

Eggs with vegetables

Eggs with vegetables are one of the healthy breakfast recipes because they are rich in protein and carbohydrates.

  1. To prepare this meal, beat two eggs with..Tomatoes cut into cubes.
  2. ½ cup of colored pepper cut into thin slices.
  3. And a little salt.
  4. Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a frying pan on the stove, then pour the mixture of eggs and vegetables, stirring, until cooked.

Quinoa with banana

Quinoa with banana

This meal is rich in proteins, potassium and minerals, all of which 
are important to give your body the energy it needs.
  • Wash the quinoa and put it in a colander, and mix a cup of it with..
  •  Small spoon of salt.
  • And two and a half cups of water.
  • After that, put the mixture in a pot over medium heat, without covering it, until it boils, then leave it on a low heat for 20 minutes.
  • Add 4 cups of milk, 1 teaspoon of vanilla and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon.  Leave it for another 20 minutes on a low heat.

Apple oats

This meal plays an important role in making you feel full for a long time, because it is rich in fiber and proteins.
Combine a cup of cooked oats with ½ cup of sliced ​​apples and sprinkle with cinnamon.

To learn more about low-calorie breakfasts, click here. 
Click here to learn more about different healthy breakfasts.
