The benefits of honey are many, and they have been known for thousands of years, as honey has been used in multiple ways. follow this article for a Delicious recipes with honey
Whether as food for the body or as an ointment to treat burns, infections and other diseases, so what are the most important other benefits of honey?
benifits of Honey
The benefits of honey relate to many health properties that accrue to the human body, the most important of which are:
1- source of energy
Honey is a high-value food substance and is used as food for children and adults. It is the only local substance that is not man-made and consumed as food that does not need refining.
Honey is also preserved for a long time when properly stored.
Honey replaces the sugars consumed due to the physical effort the person makes, and it may also be used to treat cases of weight loss and thinness.
2- As an anti-bacterial and anti-microbial
Honey is similar to antibiotics as it has the ability to kill many microbes, viruses and fungi, as it interacts with cells in the body to secrete antiseptic substances that reduce infections and poisoning.
3- Reducing the level of fat in the body
Honey contributes as an alternative to manufactured sugar, which causes many problems: obesity, heart disease and arteriosclerosis, and honey has a role in reducing cholesterol and fats in the blood.
4- Solve the problems of digestive diseases
Unlike refined and simple sugars such as; Sucrose, honey does not ferment in the stomach as it does not stay for long as it is quickly digested, and thus does not pose any risk of bacterial invasion.
It passes directly from the small intestine into the bloodstream without causing any irritation to our digestive system as sucrose does.
One clinical trial also found that honey helps treat:
Inflammation of the intestine, as well as the treatment of constipation, it is considered a mild laxative, because it increases the activity of the intestine.
Digestive disorders, as it works to get rid of excess acidity in the stomach, which always leads to ulcers.
Many doctors have used honey in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
The benefits of honey that will make you eat it without interruption
5- Maintaining teeth and gums
Honey plays a key role in maintaining and protecting the teeth from decay and their proper growth, and it also has a role in strengthening the gums and protecting them from infections.
6- Preventing cancer
7- Cough treatment
8- Increased hemoglobin in the blood
9- An excellent choice for athletes
10- Healing wounds and burns
11- Beneficial for the skin and skin
12- Affects the nervous system
Some delicious recipes with honey
honey cake
Ingredients :
- 2 cups flour
- 1 cup white honey
- 1 teaspoon
- carbonate
- egg yolk
- 1 cup sugar
- 30 g butter
- ½ cup water
- 1 teaspoon lemon
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