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7 Sweet mouth-watering breakfast ideas

 Are you looking for a sweet breakfast? Are you craving a sweet breakfast to boost your energy? Do you want to stay productive and have a fabulous and amazing breakfast that is so sweet to be true? Then, this is the right place for you. These are the best 7 Sweet mouth-watering breakfast ideas that will help you to get the energy and the sweetness that you are craving.

Sweet Breakfast ideas

Sweet Breakfast ideas

1-  Jam ,butter and toast

Jam ,butter and toast

As simple as this, jam and butter spread on a toast is one of the most delicious and sweet breakfast ideas that you can ever, this will definitely boost your mood and your energy levels. It is also very delicious and mouthwatering that shall leave you speechless and satisfied. Boost your mood and get the sweetness you are looking for.

2-  Strawberries and oats with milk

Strawberries and oats with milk

One of the super sweet and delicious breakfast recipes is when you have strawberries, oats, nuts and milk with sugar and I would go for brown sugar. This is my favorite sweet meal for breakfast ever. It boosts my energy and keeps me satisfied and happy. It is also so fulfilling as you will be feeling full and can make it to lunch time without having snacks in the middle. You can also add a honey teaspoon to the mix and that shall be so healthy and at the same time, so delicious. Create your sweet meal now.

to know more recipes about Strawberries from here

3-  Muffins


One of the sweet breakfast recipes for better mornings and that is requiring very short time is muffins. Muffins can help you out to have a quick breakfast beside your morning coffee. You shall be having a sweet morning. Muffins are always a very good idea for they are having ingredients as eggs, milk and flour. Muffins are always great for the members of the family. Have your sweet breakfast boost now.


4-  Cookies


Cookies are so sweet and they get sweeter when you add choco chips, or any other additions. Cookies are very fast and they are soft while they are hard so they make a wonderful balance for an early morning take away meal especially when you are craving a sweet morning and a fast breakfast. Cookies actually are very easy to make as you would be using one cup of sugar, one cup of flour, 4 spoons of oil, baking powder around ¼ teaspoon, and 4 tablespoon of Cocoa. Also, you can add a ¼ spoon of salt and voila. You would be having one of the easiest cookie recipes that will be in the oven for 10 minutes on degrees 160 degree and pamper yourself.


5-  Pancakes with honey

Pancakes with honey

Pancakes are very easy to make and they are also the perfect breakfast recipe for good and wonderful mornings. You can make pancakes and add honey as well as you can add nuts on it for perfect balance. You can be having pancakes along with honey and fruits as strawberries or blueberries for the perfect balance of sweetness. You can also add maple syrup or even melted chocolate and bananas for extra pampering for yourself on busy mornings. Enjoy your pancake now.


6-  Fruit salad and honey

Fruit salad and honey

One of the sweet morning recipes is having a fruit salad and you can prepare it with any type of fruits that you have in the kitchen and in the fridge. You can add apples, apricots, pears, oranges, strawberries, and blueberries. You can also pineapple, mango pieces and bananas. In the end, you can add sugar and I would rather add two big spoon of honey and nuts. It is delicious and beyond words. Although it might look so easy, you can prepare it in seconds, but it is also healthy and so sweet and delicious.  Pamper yourself now. Start your day with amazing sweet buds and amazing taste in your mouth. Enjoy it now.


7-  Melted chocolate and toast


Melted chocolate and toast

One of the easiest recipes for a sweet breakfast idea is having a bar of melted chocolate on toast and it is so easy and yet, so fulfilling and amazing. It shall leave a mouthwatering taste in your mouth that you shall love. You can also add bananas for extra sweetness and balance. You can have it as a quick and fast breakfast recipe that shall blow your mind and make you happy for the rest of the day. Remember that chocolate boosts endorphins and they boost your mood and your happiness level.


Enjoy these 7 sweet breakfast ideas that shall blow your mind and make you happy for the best day ever. Pamper yourself like no other. Make yourself happy and satisfied. These breakfast ideas are so sweet. You can also check easy breakfast ideas. Enjoy and have a blast.


Have a blessed, wonderful, and sweet morning. 
