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What are the components of a healthy breakfast for children

Breakfast is the fuel that supplies our bodies with the energy needed to receive his day with full force and activity. follow this article to know, What are the components of a healthy breakfast for children? 

children needs more than others for a varied and balanced amount of lunch, in order to enjoy healthy and healthy growth.

But mothers may find it very difficult to persuade their children to eat breakfast in the morning, especially since most of them wake up upset about going to school.

It is possible that the period of waking up from sleep usually causes young and old to lose appetite.  If you do not make sure that your child gets an early and calm night's sleep.

Oatmeal and mango porridge

Healthy breakfast ingredients for kids

A balance is always advised when preparing breakfast;  It must contain:

  • carbohydrates.
  • Proteins.
  • Dietary fiber.

Since carbohydrates are the source of instant energy for the body, and fiber helps to feel full, which prevents overeating.

When taken with healthy drinks, they help move food through the digestive system and reduce the risk of constipation.

Breakfast essentials

Unlike the rest of the meals in the day, it is recommended that breakfast contains all the various food groups, such as cereals, preferably at least half of which is whole grains.

 In addition to fruits and vegetables, proteins such as eggs, nuts and seeds, and dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt, which are preferably low-fat or fat-free.

Tips when choosing breakfast cereals for children:


It's best to choose breakfast cereals that contain 3 to 5 grams of fiber per serving.


Breakfast cereals for children contain large amounts of sugar;  Therefore, it is recommended to choose breakfast cereals for adults instead.

 It is also recommended to avoid types that contain sugar at the top of their list of ingredients, or contain many types of added sugars, such as high-fructose corn syrup, honey, or brown sugar.


It is recommended to choose breakfast cereals with the lowest calories, that is, those containing 160 calories or less per serving.


Fruits and milk:

It is preferable to add pieces of fruit to breakfast cereals, in addition to using free or low-fat milk, or yogurt.

To read more about a healthy morning breakfast, read the article 

What is a healthy morning breakfast The importance of breakfast for children

It is important for children to have a healthy breakfast to give them energy after waking up.

Their brains and bodies are still developing, yet 20% to 30% of children and teens do not eat breakfast.

This makes their ability to learn at school less, and reduces their consumption of iron, which is important for their bodies.

As for children who eat breakfast regularly, most of them get their daily nutrients, have a healthy weight, and have a higher ability to focus.

Ideas parents can implement to encourage children to eat a healthy breakfast:

The role of parents is important in encouraging children to eat breakfast.

they are role models for their children and they can demonstrate the importance of breakfast by talking about the benefits of eating this meal for the body.

Sharing breakfast with the child:

Family members sitting and having breakfast together is important, as it sets a good example for children and affects their eating habits.

And if the children are not hungry, they can have a healthy smoothie with milk, or yogurt, as well as some pieces of fruit such as bananas, instead of eating a traditional breakfast.

Sending breakfast and snacks with the child to school:

Sometimes children and teens wake up late, and they don't have much time in the morning to sit down and eat breakfast at home, so easy to carry meals can be prepared and taken to eat when you go out.

It is also possible to have a snack at home, such as oatmeal or a piece of fruit before going to school, and then have another snack at school before the start of classes, such as a sandwich or some yogurt with fruits.

Meal prep:

The alarm can be set ten minutes earlier than usual, if there is no time to prepare breakfast for the children, or prepare it the night before.


Changing the shape of the dishes:

If it is difficult to persuade a child to eat, you can think of a variety of ways to make breakfast interesting, such as changing the shape of the plates.


Avoid giving your child sweets and high-calorie foods for breakfast:

Many traditional breakfast foods contain large amounts of sugar, refined grains, calories, and few nutrients, and may be easy to eat and carry, but they make those who eat them tired and hungry soon after.

Among these foods, breakfast cereals rich in sugar, or pastries, or baked goods, or juices rich in sugar, and others.

Here are some of the foods you can have for breakfast:

Oatmeal and mango porridge

Oats and mango are two nutritional values ​​that are rich in fiber and vitamins that the child needs, and we will play with the recipes until we prepare a delicious morning dish.


  •  3/4 cup of oatmeal.
  •  A cup of peeled and mashed mango.
  •  3 to 4 cups of milk.

How to prepare :

Put the oatmeal in a large bowl over the fuel, then add the milk to it and stir the mixture constantly.
 Once the milk boils, let it simmer for 5 minutes while stirring the mixture, then add the mango puree, and leave it for 2 minutes.
 Wait until the mixture cools and offer it to your child.

Chocolate juice

Chocolate juice

I am sure that children are attracted to chocolate and smoothies more than other foods, so your task will be easy to impress your child with this breakfast.


  •  2 cups of raw cocoa powder.
  •  2 mashed bananas.
  •  3 cups of milk.

 How to prepare :

Simply add the ingredients to the electric mixer, and blend until you get a homogeneous mixture.
 And serve the juice cold, especially in the summer.

To know more about healthy breakfast for children click here. 
