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American breakfast ideas for kids

 American breakfast ideas for kids

One of the main challenges that face the parents every morning is what to prepare for breakfast for the kids! Kids have to have a well-balanced breakfast, rich in vital supplements as vitamins, proteins, and calcium as well as nutrients. Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. Breakfast of adults is different that kids as kids want colorful ingredients, well- prepared, tastes delicious and most of all, to be full of important supplements. Kids could be very picky and they can be very slow eaters. This is putting more loads on the parents when it comes to breakfast. Here we will present some of America’s favorite breakfasts to kids;

Vegetable egg pie for breakfast

Vegetables has a super amount of nutrients that are very important for kids. Eggs are well-known for breakfast for their high protein source and calcium. Kids can be very picky about eggs or vegetables. One of the best recipes for kids in breakfast is vegetable egg pie. Al you need is carrots, parsley, spinach, onions, tomatoes, 1egg, flour, broccoli, green, red , and yellow bell pepper, milk, and a pinch of salt. You can choose the ingredients that you have access to and pick and add to the pie. Just chop every ingredient in a thin manner. Scramble the egg in a bowl and add flour and milk. On a heated pan with olive oil drops, add chopped onions till they have yellow color then add the egg mixture. Then, after one minute, add the vegetables for 30 seconds and then, remove them. On a plate, add the vegetable egg pie. Your kids will love it and they will be having a well-prepared breakfast. This kid's breakfast is very easy to make and it is full of supplements that would make a well-balanced meal for the start of the day.

Pizza toast for breakfast

Kids like toast and especially when it is crunchy and tasty. In this breakfast, you can prepare the kids a toast that they look forward to. You can even name it as whatever they like it to be called. We would call it Pizza toast and it is based on crunchy toast through frying it in butter on both sides. Then, we would add tomatoes small slices, small cut beef, scrambled eggs, and mozzarella cheese on the top. Place it in the pan and cover it with the lid for 2-3 minutes. Your kids will love it and it is very healthy as well. All the ingredients in the pizza toast are very nutritious and you can always every creative in choosing the ingredients and removing and adding the ingredients that you like.

children and eggs for development 

Home-made Burger for breakfast

Burger has always believed to be junk food. However, the homemade burger is one of the best meals that make kids very happy and they eat healthy while they don’t know it. All you need is pure minced meat along with some salt and burger spices that give the taste of burgers. You then need to chop thin slices of onions and then, mix the minced meat along with the onions together and the salt and burger spices. Then, in a bowl, put an egg. Shape the meat mix in the form of mini burger and put them in the egg bowl and then, in a pan on medium heat, cook the burgers on every face for 2-3 minutes, you can choose the bread buns that your kids like and a slice of tomatoes on the inside, and add the burger. You can give them to your kids at school and for breakfast. It is full of protein and iron as well as many other important supplements for their growth.

Honey, fruits, cereals, and milk

Cereals as a meal are one of the very important meals for the start of the day. It is very tasty and it is highly nutritious. You can add honey, nuts, and fruits to it. Kids love this meal. It is having many vital supplements. It makes them eat it without a hassle. It has calcium, vitamins, and important ingredients.

children and cereals and milk for breakfast 


Smoothies are one of the favored meals for kids. You can add fresh fruits, and add broccoli, and kale to it. For the fresh juices, bananas, oranges, and apples will be a perfect mix along with some mint to give it a boost in the taste and add more freshness. Also, the mint will cover the taste of the broccoli as well as the kale and they will add many benefits and nutritious supplements to the smoothie. It is always one of the best meals for the picky eater's kids and the kids who would have to so a hassle to eat. This breakfast for kids is like a boost in their energy and it definitely reflects better on their day


Have a wonderful morning J
