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10 High-Fat Foods That Are Actually Super Healthy

Are you afraid to eat fats? Do you think fats are wrong for you? Fats or carbs? Try our 10 High-Fat Foods That Are Actually Super Healthy.

10 High-Fat Foods That Are Actually Super Healthy

Over the past decade, people started to demonize fat-containing food and at the same time, they started to reach out towards sugar, carbs, processed food and others that have made them get fatter and obesity started to strike.

There are many studies that started to show how that the food containing fat is not bad and that most of the food that has fat is becoming adopted once again.

Here are 10 high-fat foods and at the same time, they are super healthy and nutritious:

1. Avocado

The avocado is about 77% fat, by calories, making them even higher in fat than most animal foods. However, the fatty acid that is present in the avocado is mono-saturated fat and it is called the oleic acid. It is the same fat that is present in the olive oil and olive oil is considered as the healthiest oil ever.  

Check these recipes for Avocadoes. 


Avocado is having the highest potassium even more than bananas and people who eat avocados are lesser in weight than others who do not eat fats.

2. Cheese

Cheese is made up of a cup of milk and it has a very high level of calcium. It has vitamin B12 and also, ingredients as phosphorus and selenium, and contains all sorts of other nutrients as protein and thus, with a single thick slice of cheese containing, it would be having approximately around  6.7 grams of protein.

3. Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate

It is very high in fat, with fat at around 65% of calories. Dark chocolate also contains around 11% fiber and contains more than 50% of the RDA for iron, magnesium, copper and manganese. It is very high in anti-oxidants.

4. Whole Eggs

Whole Eggs

eggs is very high in fat and cholesterol in its yolk and a single egg is having around 212 mg of cholesterol, which is about 71% of the recommended daily intake. Plus, 62% of the calories in eggs are fats. However, the cholesterol in eggs is not leading to an increase in the cholesterol in blood.

 Check these recipes for eggs

Eggs are a wonderful source of anti- oxidants and thus, they would have many benefits for the eyes, and it has high choline and thus, it is very important for the brain. Eggs are also very high in omega-3 enriched or pastured. Yolk has the main nutrients of the eggs located in it.

5. Fatty Fish

Fish is one of the fatty sources that people know how healthy it is and it includes different types of fish as salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines and herring. Fatty fish is having a high source of healthy omega-3 fatty acids, high in proteins and fish are believed that they have high benefits in dealing with lowering risks of many diseases as heart diseases ,dementia and depression. Check this recipe for the art of ceviche

6. Nuts


Nuts are very healthy, although they are high in fats and they are a plant-based source but they have high healthy fats and fibers. Nuts have a high percentage of vitamin E and high in magnesium and thus, they have a magnificent effect in lowering risks of heart diseases or type 2 diabetes.

7. Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are fatty as they have around 9 grams of fats in every one ounce. It has carbs which are fibers. Chia seeds are around 80% fat. This makes them an excellent high-fat plant food. They contain very high percentage of omega 3 fatty acids.

8. Olive Oil

Olive oil is high in fats and yet, everyone knows how healthy it is. It has high health benefits. It has high vitamins E and K, and is loaded with powerful antioxidants.

9. Coconuts and Coconut Oil

Coconuts and coconut oil are considered as having very high saturated fats as it has around 90% fatty acids of saturated. This fat is different than other fats as it is medium-chain fatty acids and they go to the liver to be turned to ketone bodies.

10. Full-Fat Yogurt

Full-Fat Yogurt

Real, full-fat yogurt is very healthy and it has high probiotic bacteria, which are considered as having high health benefits. They would highly improve digestive health and fight obesity as well as heart diseases. ‘

There are many diets that started to be based on fats as ketone diet and others. Moreover, fat-containing food is important and they have a lot of nutrients that are very important for the body.

Now, it is time to disregard anyone who tells you to not eat fat containing food and start to drop carbs and not fats as fats seem to have importance that the human body relies on.

Always check the percentage of the carbs, the calories and be selective to the ingredients that you let in your body on daily basis to have a better lifestyle.


Have a wonderful morning.
