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What are benefits of eating beans?

What are benefits of eating beans?  beans are one of the most important legumes that are eaten because it contains a variety of nutrients.

 According to the talk of therapeutic nutrition professors, fava beans are a “golden meal” for the human body that provides it with many benefits and can even become a substitute for meat.

 Protein .. It contains a sufficient percentage of the main amino acids required to build cells and antibodies and to repair damaged tissues, and the percentage of protein reaches 25 grams per 100 grams of beans.

 B vitamins.. The beans contain vitamins (B1), (B2), (B3) and (B6). These vitamins are known to strengthen the nerves and are useful in strengthening hair, skin, brain, heart and muscles.

 Vitamin C.. Contains Vitamin C, which is famous for being a powerful antioxidant and helps to get rid of the impurities that lead to premature aging and various types of cancers.

 Iron .. which is necessary for the human body to prevent anemia.

 Phosphorous .. It is an important element for the process of growth and strengthening the bones and skeleton, as well as strengthening the teeth and gums. It also helps digestion, rid the body of toxins and improve cognitive abilities.

 Magnesium.. It helps in strengthening bone health, lowering the risk of diabetes, maintaining fluid balance in the body, and reducing anxiety.

 Manganese and copper .. have a vital role in strengthening immunity.

 Fiber .. Fiber plays an important role in feeling full and reducing the feeling of hunger, and also works on the regularity of bowel movement and the digestive system,

 thus preventing constipation. It also has a role in controlling the level of sugar in the blood, as well as increasing the body’s immunity.

 Carbohydrates.. Beans contain complex carbohydrates that act as a regular pump for energy and blood sugar, which prevents the feeling of hunger, fatigue and exhaustion, so after eating beans you feel full.

 Some delicious foods from beans you can add to your breakfast or as a filling snack..

What are benefits of eating beans?

Beans with butter and garlic


  •  Butter cubes.
  •  Sliced ​​garlic cloves.
  •  A cup of stewed beans.
  •  Salt, cumin.
  •  The juice of a large lemon.
  •  Sliced ​​green pepper.

 How to make beans with butter:

 In a skillet, melt the butter over a medium heat, then saute the garlic.

 When the garlic changes color, add the pepper, and the bell pepper can be replaced with hot pepper, as desired.

 Then add lemon juice, salt to taste and a pinch of cumin.

 In another pan, heat the beans with a little oil.

 Then we put the mixture of butter, garlic and lemon on the hot beans, stir and serve hot with bread.

 Foul with Tahina

 One of the easiest bean recipes is the bean dish with tahini, which is prepared as follows:


  •  Two tablespoons of flour.
  •  Two tablespoons of vinegar.
  •  The juice of a large lemon.
  •  salt.
  •  cumin.
  •  Chopped parsley.
  •  oil.
  •  A cup of stewed beans.

 How to prepare beans with tahini:

 In a dish, add the tahini, vinegar and lemon, stir well, then gradually reduce the tahini with hot water until we reach the desired consistency.

 In a pan, put a little oil and put the beans until hot.

 Then add the tahini and parsley mixture, stir, then serve it with pickles and bread.

 Foul with chickpeas


  •  2 cups of boiled chickpeas.
  •  2 cups of fava beans.
  •  A small cup of chopped parsley.
  •  Half a cup of chopped green mint.
  •  A small diced tomato.
  •  A quarter of a cup of oil.
  •  Quarter cup of lemon juice.
  •  Chopped small onion.
  •  10 cloves minced garlic.
  •  A quarter cup of vinegar.
  •  Salt, cumin, black pepper.
  •  Hot pepper to order

 How to make beans with chickpeas:

 In a blender, put the oil, vinegar, lemon juice, chopped garlic, hot pepper and mix well.

 In a bowl, put the beans, chickpeas, mint, chopped parsley, chopped onions with tomatoes and stir well.

 Then we put the garlic and vinegar mixture on the beans and chickpeas, add spices and salt, stir and serve with bread.

 Foul with pastrami and eggs

 Of the delicious recipes, the recipe for beans with pastrami and eggs, and here is the method of preparation:


  •  Butter cubes.
  •  A cup of stewed beans.
  •  100 grams of pastrami.
  •  Hot pepper cut into small rings.
  •  Chopped green onion.
  •  sauce spoon.
  •  4 eggs.
  •  chopped onion
  •  5 garlic cloves chopped.
  •  Four grated tomatoes.
  •  vinegar.
  •  Salt, cumin, black pepper.
  •  A quarter of a cup of water.
  •  oil.

 How to prepare beans with pastrami

 In a frying pan, put the butter, then put the onions and garlic, stir until it turns brown, then add the pastrami.

 Then add hot pepper to the onion and stir so that it does not burn.

 Add green onions, tomatoes, a spoonful of sauce, vinegar, salt, cumin and a little water, and leave it for a minute, then add the fava beans.

 Add eggs with a pinch of black pepper on the face.

 Serve hot beans with pastrami with bread.

 Foul with sausage

 Arab cuisine is famous for its many different bean recipes, and one of the most famous bean dishes on the Egyptian way is the bean dish with sausage, and in simple and easy steps, we have a wonderful dish:


  •  4 sticks of chopped sausage.
  •  A cup of stewed beans.
  •  Sliced ​​tomatoes.
  •  Protective pepper.
  •  Quarter cup of tomato juice.
  •  Salt, black pepper, cumin.
  •  2 cloves minced garlic.
  •  Chopped small onion.

 How to prepare beans with sausage:

 Put two tablespoons of oil in a frying pan, then saute the onion until it wilts, then add the garlic and stir.

 Add the sausage and hot pepper with onions and garlic and saute the sausage.

 Then add the chopped tomatoes and tomato juice and leave it for 5 minutes, then add the beans, salt and spices, leave it for two minutes, then serve the beans with sausage with bread.

 And here we finish presenting the most delicious bean recipes in simple and different ways that you can diversify among them, to prepare a delicious bean dish on your table.
