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How do you make pickles step by step?

 How do you make pickles step by step? Pickles are vegetables and some ingredients have been added to them and they have become pickles. 

 Pickles are considered one of the delicious dishes that are indispensable on any table.

 Today, through the Al-Akele website, we will present to you the method of making pickles with most vegetables in order to spare mothers ..

the trouble of searching for ways to make pickles to ensure that they work at home at the lowest costs, so follow us.

How do you make pickles step by step?

 How to make lemon pickle

to know ow to make lemon pickle try this ingredient......

 Lemon Pickle Ingredients:

 A kilo of lemon.

 Three grains of hot pepper.

 A clove of garlic.

 A teaspoon of safflower.

 2 teaspoons ground cumin.

 Two teaspoons of ground turmeric.

 Pickling solution:

 a teaspoon of sugar.

 Two tablespoons of oil.

 ¼ cup of coarse salt.

 Four cups of water.

 How to make lemon pickle:

 First, wash the lemons well, then leave them to dry completely from the water.

 Put a pot on the fire with an appropriate amount of water and when it boils, add the lemon kernels and leave it on the fire for about 10 minutes.

 We remove the lemon from the boiling water, and then put it directly in cold water and leave it a little.

 Cut the peppers into cubes and garlic into thin slices.

 Then in his urine, put cumin, turmeric, safflower, hot pepper, garlic and mix them together.

 Make an X-shaped hole with a lemon and fill it with the previous mixture.

 Put the amount of water in a bowl, then put the sugar and salt and stir them well until both completely dissolved.

 Put the lemon in the bowl designated for pickling, then pour the pickling solution and put two tablespoons of oil on the surface of the bowl, then close it and leave it for a period of one to two weeks to mature.

 How to make pickled cucumber

try this ingredient....


 kilogram of cucumber.

 a teaspoon of sugar.

 Four cloves of garlic.

 Three tablespoons of coarse salt.


 How to make pickled cucumber:

 Wash the cucumbers, remove the head on both sides, then cut the cucumbers in half.

 Mix water, sugar and salt and stir them together.

 We put the cucumbers in a pickling bowl, then cover it with water, close it tightly, and then wait for it to ripen for about five days.

 How to make pickled turnip

 How to make pickled turnip

try this one..

 Pickled turnip ingredients:

 A kilo of turnip.

 A quarter cup of sea salt.

 beet fruit.

 a spoonful of sugar.

 Four cups of water.

 How to prepare pickled turnip:

 At first we wash the turnip well, and remove the dust in it.

 We cut the turnip into long, but slightly thick slices, and also cut the beets into very thin slices.

 On a medium heat, we put the amount of water with salt and sugar, stir them and leave them on the fire for two minutes.

 We remove the water from the fire, and leave it to cool slightly.

 We put the turnip slices in the pickling bowl and add the beetroot slices to add a nice pink color to the turnip.

 We immerse the pickled turnip in water, close the bowl and leave it until the turnip is tender.

 How to make pickled eggplant

try this one....

 Eggplant pickle ingredients

 Half a kilo of eggplant.

 A clove of garlic.

 Three tablespoons of salt.

 A quarter of a teaspoon of cumin.

 Quarter of a teaspoon of dry chili.

 How to make pickled eggplant

 We cut the head of the eggplant, then put a pot on the fire with a large amount of water, and when it boils, put the eggplant,

 wait for about ten minutes, remove it from the water and put it in cold water, then drain well from the water.

 We make a mixture to stuff the eggplant with cumin, hot pepper, garlic, coriander and the amount of vinegar and stir until the ingredients are homogeneous.

 We open the eggplant lengthwise, but not to the other, then we stuff it with the aforementioned mixture.

 Put the eggplant in a bowl and put it in the refrigerator and serve to eat alongside the beans and the salad.

 How to make pickled carrots

try this one....

 Pickled Carrot Ingredients:

 Half a kilo of carrots.

 Two cups of water.

 A clove of garlic.

 Three tablespoons of vinegar.

 Two hot peppers.

 Laura paper.

 Two tablespoons of salt.

 How to prepare pickled carrots:

 We wash the carrots, then cut them into long strips, then cut the garlic into thin rings, then cut the peppers into rings as well.

 Take a bowl, add water, vinegar and salt, and mix well.

 Put the carrots, peppercorns and garlic rings in a pickling bowl and pour salted water over it, close the bowl and leave it for a week until it becomes soft.

 How to make pickled chili

 Chili Pickle Ingredients:

 500 grams of hot pepper.

 a teaspoon of sugar.

 Two and a half tablespoons of salt.

 A clove of garlic.

 Lemon juice.

 Two cups of water.

 How to make pickled chili with steps:

 Wash the hot peppers with lukewarm water alone, then make a very small hole with the pepper.

 In a side dish, put the following sugar, salt and lemon juice, and stir them together.

 Put the peppercorns in a pickling bowl, then add the previous ingredients, and garlic.

 Put the water on the pepper, making sure that it covers it completely.

 We must place the bowl in the refrigerator so as not to be damaged.

 How to make pickled cauliflower, like shops

 Pickled Cauliflower Ingredients:

 A medium-sized cauliflower.

 Two beets.

 Three cloves of garlic.

 a tablespoon of sugar.

 Half a cup of vinegar.

 Three tablespoons of salt.

 Three cups of water.

 How to make pickled cauliflower:

 When buying cauliflower, it should be white and not yellow, and the cauliflower kernels should also be stuck together.

 We cut the cauliflower into small grains, and then we have to wash it well, then peel the beet, wash it and cut it into slices.

 Then we bring a bowl and put the cauliflower and garlic slices in it, and leave it for a little while until the pickling solution works.

 On a medium heat we put a pot and add the following ingredients to it: water, vinegar, a spoon of sugar and the amount of salt and stir them well until the salt and sugar dissolve.

 then add the beets and leave it on the fire until it boils.

 Pour the pickling solution over the cauliflower, close the bowl tightly, and leave it for about a week until it is soft.

Pickles are of great importance to the health of diabetics, because the vinegar used in pickling vegetables contributes to maintaining stable blood sugar levels.
