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Salmon recipe with maple syrup the perfect centerpiece recipe for the holidays

Enjoying salmon recipe with maple syrup is surely a deserve try that you have to do. This recipe with boost the salmon taste and give it another mind blowing recipe that has a great health benefit and a wonderful taste as well as an immunity booster that is perfect recipe. A must try.

The ingredients are very simple and it takes no time in its making of  Salmon recipe with maple syrup the perfect centerpiece recipe for the holidays.

Salmon baked at a low temperature until medium-rare delivers a silky texture that tastes special enough to make it a festive centerpiece. This easy dish works any night of the week, since it comes together in less than half an hour. Maple syrup sweetens the glaze, which gets a savory pop from whole mustard seeds in Dijon. Even though salmon is naturally fatty, a dollop of mayonnaise adds extra richness while thickening the glaze to help it seal onto the fish. The herbaceous aroma of cilantro stems baked into the sauce brightens the dish, as do tender leaves scattered on top. Fill out your feast with any combination of steamed rice, roasted potatoes, green beans or salad.


·         1 (1 1/2-pound) skin-on or skinless salmon fillet

·         12 fresh cilantro sprigs

·         2 tablespoons pure maple syrup

·         2 tablespoons whole-grain Dijon mustard

·         1 tablespoon mayonnaise

·          Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

·          Lemon wedges, for serving


 Remove salmon from the refrigerator. Heat oven to 325 degrees.

2.    Bundle the cilantro sprigs by their stems and hold them tightly, then slice the stems crosswise until you get to the leaves. Reserve leaves for garnish. Transfer sliced stems to a small bowl and stir in the maple syrup, mustard and mayonnaise until well mixed.

      Season the salmon all over with salt and pepper and place in a baking dish, skin-side down if there is skin. Slather the maple sauce all over the top.

     Bake until a paring knife slides into the center with only a little resistance, 15 to 20 minutes. When you remove the knife and touch the blade to your upper lip, it should feel very warm but not hot. The salmon will continue to heat through out of the oven while in the baking dish. Top with the reserved cilantro leaves, and squeeze lemon wedges all over just before serving.


·         For 8 servings, buy a whole side of salmon, which usually weighs 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 pounds, and double the glaze ingredients. Bake on a parchment-lined sheet pan until medium-rare, 18 to 22 minutes.


Benefits of Salmon for pregnant women

1. Salmon is a nutritional powerhouse for all mothers.

High in protein (an essential for muscle growth and repair), this fish is also abundant in EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) – two types of omega-3 fatty acids that each boast unique benefits. EPA supports inflammatory response, the immune system, and heart health, which is especially needed given the stresses that new motherhood can bring. Pregnant and lactating mothers also benefit from DHA, which supports the central nervous system, the eyes, and brain. In addition, salmon serves as an excellent source of vitamin B12 (which makes DNA and keeps your blood and nerve cells in tip-top shape), as well as natural vitamin D – a nutrient that many women are deficient in.


2. Salmon boosts your baby’s brain health.

Did you know about half of the human brain is made of omega-3 fats? Since our bodies cannot make omega-3s like DHA on our own, it’s critical that we eat seafood regularly, which is one of the only natural dietary sources. By enjoying salmon (which provides 480-960% of the recommended weekly amount of EPA/DHA per week in a single serving alone), pregnant and breastfeeding mothers can help their babies’ brains develop to their best potential – infants who get the omegas they need have been proven to have higher IQs!

3. Salmon supports your baby’s vision development.

DHA is also critical for proper eye development. A study from the Child and Family Research Institute found that the babies of mothers who were deficient in DHA did not perform as well on eye tests as the babies of women who had an ample intake of this essential nutrient.

Try out this salmon recipe with maple syrup the perfect recipe that can fit a centerpiece for the day with extra booster and immunity boost like no other. it is definitely worth the try to have this amazing recipe that will definitely help you to have a wonderful lifestyle meal that is different and healthy as well as different. You will enjoy every bit of it. A must try.

Check out this recipe of “Garlic Butter baked salmon recipe the best salmon recipe”.

LEARN: How to Cook Salmon

Have a wonderful Breakfast!


