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Delicious Eggplant recipes

Eggplant is a nutrient rich source of antioxidants: Eggplant is rich in Anthocyanins;  The pigment responsible for its coloration is called Nasunin. Follow the article with us and find out the best and Delicious Eggplant recipes. 

Eggplant has antioxidant properties and may help reduce the risk of some chronic diseases, as well as reduce the risk of cell damage.

Delicious Eggplant recipes

A good source of vitamin K:

Vitamin K is necessary for the blood clotting process, so it is recommended for people who use some blood-thinning medications such as;  

Warfarin by taking vitamin K sources appropriately and consulting a specialist before that.

A good source of manganese:

Which is a component of antioxidant enzymes, and also plays a role in the process of protein breakdown, and glucose sugar.

Scientific studies on the benefits of eggplant clarify the following points..

Benefits of eggplant

Some of the benefits of eggplant, which are potential and still need more studies to prove their effectiveness: A preliminary study published in Food & Nutrition in 2011 and conducted on animals indicated.

That fresh or grilled eggplant contains some antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and other compounds such as beta-carotene and phenols.

Which can contribute to maintaining the health of the heart by enhancing the functions of the left ventricle, and reducing the risk of its diseases, such as reducing the size of myocardial blockage, and programmed death of the cardiomyocyte.

Some studies confirmed that eggplant extract contains some phenolic compounds, which may reduce high blood sugar levels, and also inhibits some enzymes, 

which contributes to controlling sugar absorption in people with type 2 diabetes.  But more studies are still needed on this.

An in vitro study published in Mutation Research in 2019 indicated that eggplant extract can reduce the occurrence of mutations and damage to DNA.

Which reduces the risk of developing some types of cancer, due to its content of antioxidants such as phenols.

There are some studies conducted on animals that eggplant peels contain nasunin, which has antioxidant activity, and reduces the risk of fat peroxidation processes, which contributes to maintaining the health of the brain against oxidative processes.

A small dose of freeze-dried eggplant powder was given, which reduced acute and chronic blood pressure levels, and this effect may be due to the eggplant's containment of a good amount of Acetylcholine.

In turn, it contributes to lowering blood pressure through Sympathetic nervous activity.

Benefits of eggplant for weight loss

Eggplant is low in calories, and high in fiber that moves slowly within the digestive tract, which may enhance the feeling of satiety, reduce the amount of calories consumed, and help lose weight.

However, it is worth noting the need to adhere to a healthy calorie-restricted diet with increased physical activity in order to lose weight in a healthy manner.

 The nutritional value of eggplant

  •  Nutrient content in 100 grams of fresh eggplant:
  •  Water 92.3 ml
  •  Carbs 5.88 grams
  •  Phosphorous 24 milligrams
  •  Sugars 3.53 grams
  •  Dietary fiber 3 grams
  •  Vitamin C 2.2 milligrams
  •  Protein 0.98 g
  •  Fat 0.18 g
  •  Calcium 9 milligrams
  •  Iron 0.23 milligrams
  •  Manganese 0.232 milligrams
  •  Magnesium 14 milligrams
  •  Potassium 229 mg
  •  Sodium 2 milligrams
  •  Zinc 0.16 mg
  •  Copper 0.081 milligrams
  •  Selenium 0.3 µg
  •  Vitamin B1 0.039 mg
  •  Vitamin E 0.3 mg
  •  Vitamin K 3.5 mcg

Damage to eggplant

The degree of safety of eggplant The following points show the degree of safety of consumption of eggplant by some groups:

People with arthritis:

 Eggplant contains the compound solanine, which is believed to aggravate the symptoms of arthritis, but there is no strong evidence for this.

Eggplant contains a small amount of this compound, but in general, people who suffer from arthritis are advised to avoid eating it if they feel increased pain in the joints when consuming it.


Eggplant allergy is rare, and people who suffer from this allergy are advised to avoid consuming eggplant and other plants similar to nightshade and to consult a doctor, and it should be noted that the symptoms of this allergy are similar to the symptoms of other types of allergies.

Some delicious breakfast dishes that contain eggplant

Eggplant is easy to prepare and used in cooking.  Where it can be cut in the form of rings or cubes, etc., and then boiled, fried, or grilled, and it is suitable for many sources of protein;  Such as: chicken, fish..

Try these easy and delicious eggplant recipes.

Roasted eggplant

Roasted eggplant

Benefits of grilled eggplant

 Lose weight:

Grilled eggplant contains only a small amount of calories, and eating a small amount of eggplant helps to feel full for a long time because it contains high levels of fiber.

 Promote cardiovascular health:

Eggplant contains many elements that promote cardiovascular health, such as potassium, antioxidants, vitamin C, and vitamin B6.  These elements help lower cholesterol and blood pressure, which prevents the heart from developing some diseases.

 Cancer prevention:

The polyphenols that eggplant contains have positive effects in treating cancer cells, which are enhanced when grilled

 Promote digestive health:

The grilled eggplant’s high fiber content helps improve stomach health and relieve constipation.

 How to roast eggplant

 the ingredients :

  •  2 eggplant large size
  •  A piece of green pepper
  •  whole lemon
  •  two cloves of garlic

 How to prepare:

In a wide skillet over medium heat, put the eggplant without oil and leave until tender, stirring occasionally.

Cut the pepper into small pieces with garlic.

Peel the eggplant and put the ingredients on top

Squeeze the lemon and use it to make the most delicious grilled eggplant dish.

An overview of eggplant

Eggplant is an ingredient that is used in many dishes.  It is preferable to eat grilled eggplant, not fried.

It is one of the most famous ingredients used to prepare various dishes, and there are two types of eggplant:

The first is the Asian eggplant;  It is characterized by its oval or circular shape, and the color of its shell, which ranges from white to dark purple.

The second type is the western eggplant;  It is distinguished by its plump shape, and the color of its peel is bright violet to black.

To know more about Famous breakfast dishes around the world click here. 
