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Why you should eat breakfast early?

Why you should eat breakfast early?. There is no doubt that breakfast is the most important meal for human health at all. 

In addition to giving him the vitality and activity needed to start his day, this meal has many benefits such as controlling weight and improving the performance of body functions.

Eating a healthy, complete breakfast can give you greater focus and better performance at work.

It gives you enough strength and endurance to perform various physical activities.

Eating breakfast is also credited with lowering blood cholesterol.

It is also an important addition to your diet as you can supply your diet with many vitamins and minerals, especially if you want to control your weight.

Of course, eating breakfast is important for all ages, but it is even more important for children.

Studies by the American College of Nutrition have shown that children who eat breakfast perform better and score higher in school and at play than their peers who do not eat breakfast.

Why you should eat breakfast early?

 Breakfast benefits:

There are many benefits that are missing out on those who skip breakfast.

Like burning more fat and controlling weight.

Maintaining normal levels of cholesterol and insulin, which contributes to the prevention of many diseases.

Also, breakfast eaters often stay focused throughout the day and don't get tired quickly. In addition, breakfast provides you with enough energy to carry out your various daily activities.

It also contributes significantly to improving memory.

 Burn fat :

Those who eat breakfast burn more calories throughout the day than those who do not eat breakfast.

The integrated breakfast contributes to increasing the feeling of satiety throughout the day.

It helps you choose healthy types of food for other meals throughout the day.

A person who does not eat breakfast will feel very hungry after several hours, which may prompt him to choose unhealthy types of foods such as those that are full of fat and rich in calories to compensate for his feeling of hunger.

As for the person who eats a full and varied breakfast, he will not suffer from this matter.

It is important to note here that the breakfast meals associated with burning fat are those healthy meals that contain an adequate amount of proteins or whole grains. 

as opposed to eating any meal rich in fat and calories that helps in burning fat.

 power supply:

Eating a meal for breakfast that contains an amount of fiber and protein will help relieve fatigue during the day.

It increases the energy needed to carry out various daily activities throughout the day compared to those who eat a high-fat breakfast or who do not eat breakfast at all.

You must have noticed that eating breakfast daily helps you do your various activities vigorously, while not eating it leads to feeling tired and very weak even without doing much work and activities.

Cholesterol control:

People who do not eat breakfast are often more likely to develop cholesterol-related diseases because skipping this meal increases the level of cholesterol in the blood.

They also suffer from insulin imbalance compared to people who regularly eat breakfast.

Therefore, it is important to maintain a healthy breakfast to maintain the integrity and functions of the body's organs, especially for those who suffer from high cholesterol or have diabetes.

Memory improvement:

Eating healthy, energizing food in the morning helps improve memory, and increase focus.

Attention should be paid to the type of foods that are eaten, as food rich in fat and high calories impairs concentration and memory during the day.

Therefore, it is important to eat a healthy meal in the morning to increase your concentration and improve your memory.

Foods for breakfast:

To get the maximum benefits associated with eating breakfast, choose healthy and appropriate foods that are varied and contain enough fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Low-fat or fat-free milk products, and proteins.

The most important elements that your morning food should contain in this meal:


Oats are one of the most important foods that contribute to maintaining cholesterol levels, and oats have a significant impact on improving memory and increasing concentration skills, especially in children, compared to ready-made breakfast cereals, so be sure to include oats in your diet in general and breakfast in particular.


Grapefruit contains large amounts of vitamin "C" and vitamin "A" and has a positive effect in improving the effect of drugs for the treatment of cancer. 

The grapefruit can be added to breakfast or eaten in the form of fresh juice.


 Eating eggs at breakfast greatly contributes to reducing the feeling of hunger and thus reducing the amount of food you eat during the day compared to people who do not eat eggs for breakfast or replace them with bread.  

If you want to control your weight, it is best to eat eggs for breakfast daily.


Eating coffee for breakfast contributes to improving health significantly and in many ways. 

Consuming it reduces depression and frustration, reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and some types of cancer. as well as the taste and aroma of coffee that helps improve mood and gives the necessary focus to start your day. And if you think that there is no time to eat breakfast, perhaps you should review yourself, because the options for breakfast are many and easy and can be ready and healthy at the same time. 

Here are some easy to prepare options:

  • Low-fat yogurt with your favorite fruits.
  • Whole-grain breakfast cereals, such as oats, with low-fat milk and cut fruits.
  • Boiled eggs with banana.
  • Fried eggs with vegetables and a piece of whole-grain toast.
  • Cheese with pieces of fruit.

It is preferable to avoid foods rich in fat, such as sweets, fried food, or rich in preservatives, or mortadella rich in salt and fat.

Although the body needs healthy fats in a certain percentage, excessive intake of fats greatly harms the health of the body.

Your health is the most important thing you can provide and maintain, and breakfast can give your body vitality, energy and health to complete your day.

Make sure to take it daily at specific times, to protect your body from diseases and to enjoy focus and a strong memory, and if you are interested in burning excess fat and controlling your body. 

you must maintain a healthy and complete meal that includes proteins, whole grains, low-fat milk products, fruits and a little caffeine.

And don't neglect preparing breakfast no matter how busy you are, after all, your work is not more important than your health; 

Because without your health, you will not be able to complete your work.

 Click here to learn more tips for a healthy breakfast

 Click here to learn about some of the delicious breakfast meals.
