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Eggs and Toast it's actually Delicious, easy Breakfast Idea

One of the best known ways to prepare eggs is the scrambled eggs. Scrambled eggs are very easy to make. However, it might be boring sometimes and you might require enhancing the taste more. You can try our recipes of  Eggs and Toast it's actually Delicious, easy Breakfast Idea.

One of the easiest scrambled eggs ideas and yet, the most delicious is the scrambled egg toast. It is having a filling and it is considered incredibly tasty. It makes your mornings better and always a good breakfast boosts your mood.

Eggs and Toast for a Delicious Breakfast Idea

Scrambled Egg Toast

The scrambled Egg Toast is one of the easiest recipes and it is one of the most loved ones that would treat your day at its best. It is highly admired by the members of the family and it is very delicious. One of its secrets is its Scrumptious. It is crunchy and buttery which creates the best craving for your taste buds.

Egg Toast recipe is the best

One of the ingredients that can boost the taste of the egg toast is the Feta cheese. The Feta cheese would add texture to the egg toast and it shall enhance the taste of the scrambled eggs. However, it depends on the quality of the feta cheese that you are using.

Egg Toast recipe is the best

Egg Toast Ingredients

The main ingredients for the Scrambled egg toast are the following:

  • Toast (It can be white toast or brown toast, just pick the one you like the most)
  •  Butter (It is very important to melt on the toast and enhances the eggs’ taste)
  • Feta Cheese
  • Fresh parsley
  • Tomatoes ( you can add it to boost the taste)
  • Onions (according to your preference)
  • Garnish (as olives, lettuce, mushroom,)

These ingredients shall give you the best energy boost, mood booster, and a delicious meal ever.

Egg Toast recipe

Preparation of Egg Toast

The first step, use a flat knife and spread the butter on the toast on both sides. Then, put the toast with butter in the oven on medium heat for around one minute and a half on each side till you can see the golden crust has been formed on each side of the toast.

In the second step, after removing the crunchy toast from the pan, add around half a tablespoon of butter to the pan. Once the butter has melted on the medium fire, add the eggs and the feta cheese together. Stir continuously for 3 minutes. Once you get the right texture of the eggs and you can find it cooked, remove.

The third step spread the eggs with the feta cheese on the toast and add the parsley, little cut pieces of tomatoes, lettuce, onions, mushroom according to your preference.

The fourth step, make your coffee or your cup of tea along.

Voila, enjoy the delicious scrambled egg toast and taste its crunchiness.

Eggs and Toast for a Delicious Breakfast Idea

Tips and tricks

You can use any bread that you like, if it is white wheat, gluten-free, or whole grain, or brown, this recipe will taste good in all kinds of bread. If you are looking for an extraordinary taste, you can use croissants.

You can customize your egg toast for a more adventurous morning boost. You can add some mozzarella to the bread in order to give you a pizza-like taste. You can add an avocado slice at the top. Tomatoes and peppers can be added at the step where you are cooking the eggs in the pan.

Preparation Time

The preparation time of the meal shall take around a total of 7 minutes. It only requires that you have the ingredients ready in your fridge. You can take it with you to work for a delicious brunch. You can give it to your kids for breakfast.

Nutritional facts

This meal has plenty of benefits since it has eggs, wheat, cheese, vegetables, and thus, it is considered a balanced meal with plenty of nutritional benefits for you and your family. 

If your kids don’t like to eat eggs, then this recipe is very good masking for the taste of eggs. If you are looking for a lifestyle changer, then this meal contains all the nutritional elements as calcium, sodium, proteins, vitamins, and more. you can always add and remove items based on your preference. 

However, keep in mind that every item that has been recommended for this delicious recipe is having an added value to the human body. 


If you want to pamper your family with a breakfast that they won’t forget, you can rely heavily on the scrambled egg toast as it is having a different flavor than a regular scrambled eggs and it has an appealing look that will make them crave this dish. It has a variety of colors, textures, tastes, and crunchiness that when they are all tasted together, it provides you with something that you look after for the next morning to wait for.

Good morning and Bon appétit.
