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9 Benefits of orange for a healthy breakfast

The benefits of eating oranges for breakfast are very many;  As orange is one of the most important healthy components in the daily diet. follow this article to know 9 Benefits of orange for a healthy breakfast

 it is involved in many vital processes in the body:

  • Like boosting arterial health.
  • Regeneration of skin cells.
  • Protecting the liver, kidneys and digestive system.
  • It provides the full nutritional value that the body needs from vitamin C in addition to other vitamins and minerals.

But there are opinions that do not support taking it on an empty stomach, especially for those who suffer from stomach ulcers, or other problems with it.

Benefits of orange for a healthy breakfast

Benefits of eating oranges for breakfast

Oranges can be eaten because they are a snack, and it is an important part of a healthy breakfast, and among the benefits of eating it for breakfast are the following.

Immunity booster:

 Vitamin C is important for boosting immune system function, protecting against colds, and preventing recurrent ear and nose infections.

Source of Vitamin C:

Oranges are rich in vitamin C, providing 116.2% of the daily value of vitamin C, which is linked to a reduced risk of colon cancer;  Because it prevents DNA damage due to free radicals.

Skin protection:

The antioxidants in oranges protect the skin from the dangers of expression lines that are known to cause signs of aging, and an orange a day completely protects the skin even after the age of fifty.

Lowering cholesterol:

Citrus peels contain compounds that lower cholesterol more effectively than medicinal drugs, and of course without side effects.

Maintaining blood pressure:

Since oranges are rich in B vitamins, they support hemoglobin production and keep blood pressure under control because they contain magnesium.

Controlling blood sugar level:

The fiber in oranges maintains and controls blood sugar levels, and the sugar in it (fructose) protects against a rise in blood sugar after eating.

Reducing the risk of cancer:

Oranges contain compounds that prevent cancer, such as:

  •  Lung Cancer.
  •  breast cancer.
  • skin cancer.
  •  Effectively fights with antioxidants.

Alkalinity of the body:

Although oranges are acidic, they have many alkaline minerals that are important for digestion, and are similar to lemons in this property.

constipation treatment:

Orange contains soluble and insoluble fibers that maintain bowel and stomach functions, prevent irritable bowel syndrome, and treat constipation to a large extent.

Calories and nutritional value of an orange

Nutrients found in about half of a large orange (100g):

  •  Calories: 47.
  •  Protein: 9 g.
  •  Water: 87%.
  •  Carbohydrates: 8 g.
  •  Sugar: 4 g.
  •  Fiber: 4 g.
  •  Fat: 1 g.

Carbohydrates in oranges:

Oranges are mainly composed of carbohydrates and water, with very little protein, fat, and calories.

The predominant form of carbohydrates in oranges is simple sugars, such as:

  •  glucose.
  •  sucrose.
  •  fructose.

It is responsible for its sweet taste.

Despite its sweet ingredients, it has a low glycemic index (GI) of 31-51, which is a measure of how quickly sugar enters the bloodstream after a meal, and its high content of polyphenols and fiber prevents high blood sugar.

The fiber in oranges:

Oranges are a good source of fiber;  One large grain, containing about 18% of the recommended daily amount.

The main fibers found in oranges are:

  • pectin.
  • Cellulose.
  • hemicellulose.
  • lignin.

It is associated with many nutritional benefits, such as promoting digestive health, losing weight, and regulating cholesterol in the blood.

Vitamins and minerals in oranges:

Oranges are a good source of many vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C, thiamine, folate, potassium, and folic acid known as vitamin B9.

Potassium, which lowers blood pressure in people who have high levels of it, when consumed in abundance.

It may reduce the risk of heart disease.

Botanical Compounds Ave Orange:

Oranges are rich in various bioactive plant compounds, which are believed to be responsible for many beneficial health effects.  The two main classes of antioxidant plant compounds are:




In addition to citric acid, which prevents the formation of kidney stones.

Disadvantages of drinking orange juice on an empty stomach

The issue of drinking citrus juices on a full or empty stomach has been controversial for a long time, and doctors are still divided over its benefit or harm.

Although orange juice is one of the healthiest fruit juices to eat, there are certain times that depend on who consumes it, how it is consumed, and when it is consumed, and these all have negatives and positives.

For some people, drinking orange juice on an empty stomach is not a problem at all, but for others it can lead to problems like heartburn, stomach pain, or digestive upset.

 This may be because they drink orange juice on an empty stomach, which is highly concentrated, and drink it abundantly.

Because oranges are high in citric acid and malic acid, they can cause problems for people who have a thin stomach lining, or people who suffer from stomach ulcers.

Therefore, it is not recommended to drink concentrated orange juice on an empty stomach;  Because it will raise the acidity and cause stomach pain.

but if the person does not suffer from stomach problems, there is no problem with drinking orange juice in moderation on an empty stomach.

In the end 

But we cannot ignore the benefits of eating oranges for breakfast, as it gives the body a great boost of activity and vitality;  Because it is full of elements and compounds that activate the mind.

 Such as vitamin C, potassium, and healthy calories, and it is recommended that it be essential in the diet of the pregnant woman;

Because it is important for the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus.

 It protects the fetus’s brain from deformities, protects the pregnant woman from allergies, and maintains her health and activity, but doctors do not recommend a lot of it;  

Because it may increase the weight of the child at birth.

To learn more about the delicious benefits of honey, click here.

Click here to learn more about breakfast recipes containing oranges.
