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 Broccoli Pasta salad

 Are you a vegan? Do you want to make a healthy and differentiated salad? Do you want to have a healthy snack? Do you want to have a healthy breakfast? Are you keen on the ingredients and their nutritional value in your salad?

Then, this is the place for. This Broccoli Pasta salad recipe is the best over the internet. You shall be able to have a delicious salad, healthy breakfast, and amazing meal. It is very easy to be prepared and at the same time, its nutritional benefits are amazing.

The health benefits of the Broccoli Pasta Salad

The amount of nutritional benefits that you will manage to have from the Broccoli Pasta salad as a meal are amazing. 

Broccoli by itself is considered as one of the healthiest b=vegetables ever as it contains what is called sulforaphane and this compound is very rich in Broccoli. This compound has plenty of healthy benefits.

This compound is very amazing for your health as it can prevent cancer and it has a high content of vitamin C as well as protein. You can have broccoli to boost your energy and give you the power to be more productive.

This ingredient is a powerful anti-oxidant and thus, if you want to stay young and reduce aging processes in your body, then, eat a lot of this ingredient.

Broccoli has the power to protect your body against many infections and viruses as it is powerful in the strengthening of your defense system and immunity against many of diseases.

 This recipe is very rich in fibers and in minerals as well as other vitamins that would give you a perfect energy boost to have a fresh morning.

This broccoli pasta recipe is very easy to be prepared and to keep a perfect lifestyle for a better quality of life.


Broccoli Pasta Salad

This salad is amazing when you add dressing and herbs and thus, this recipe is so fresh and healthy. You can prepare this recipe to be with fresh veggies and that would be a perfect boost for your immunity.


Broccoli Pasta Salad Recipe ingredients

-        250 grams of pasta the shape you like. (I would go with the spiral shape or the Rotini or Fusili Pasta)

-        Kalamata olives.

-        Cream feta cheese.

-        Broccoli which is the star of the dish. (you can steam it and cook it before ahead and cut the florets to have all similar shapes).

-        Cherry Tomatoes. You can use any tomatoes, but I would go with the cherry tomatoes flavor.

-        Green Bell Peppers. Green papers have a great earthy taste to boost the salad taste more.

-        Red Onion. Previously chopped.

-        Kalamata Olives.

-        Feta cheese. Cube cut.

-        Greek Dressing


How to make the Broccoli Pasta Salad?

First, cook the pasta in boiling water and rinse it with cold water.

Second, boil or steam the broccoli for few minutes and then, drain and rinse.

Third, mix the pasta and the chopped veggies like onions, cherry tomatoes, kalamata olives, bell pepper, broccoli, and any other veggies together in a big bowl.

Fourth, add the feta cheese as cubes on the top.

Fifth, prepare the Greek dressing in a separate bowl by adding vinegar, mustard, honey, garlic, salt, pepper, and oregano.

In the sixth step, add the olive oil and the dressing to the salad mixture.

This Broccoli pasta salad would take from around 10 minutes of preparation time if we included the cooking of the pasta, other than this, it would only take 2-3 minutes.

This recipe is very rich in minerals, fibers, antioxidants, and vitamins as well as rich in vitamin C in particular.

This recipe is amazing and it fits an early morning breakfast that boosts your energy and your immunity.

This recipe shall help you get started and be very productive as well as focused for the rest of the day. Boosting your energy doesn’t need much time, it needs that you focus more on the quality of the ingredients that you indulge in your meal, and thus, you would be able to keep your day is productive with this fresh start.

Never skip breakfast as the quote would say, have a breakfast like a king, but we recommend that you would have a breakfast of a healthy lifestyle and stay away from processed meat and processed food.

If you consider every ingredient in your daily diet, you shall no longer worry about having any extra sources of vitamins or ways to lose weight or keep your weight balanced. You will no longer focus on coffee to wake you up and boost your energy as you are having extra energy and boost from the healthy ingredients in your diet.


Have a wonderful Broccoli pasta salad and Bonne appetite.
