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A Mouthwatering Low Carb Pizza

Are you looking for a low carb and a keto pizza for mornings and every day? Then, this is the right place for you. This is A Mouthwatering Low Carb Pizza that is having a magnificent crust and just in 20 minutes.


This pizza is having 117Kcal and its preparation time is only 10 minutes with 10 minutes cooking.


There are four main ingredients for this pizza and they are as follows:

-       Mozzarella Cheese 1 ½ cup.

-       2 tablespoons of cream cheese.

-       2 large eggs and beat them.

-       1/3 cup of coconut flour.


First, you can preheat the oven to reach around 425 degrees F (218 degrees C).  Add parchment paper to the pizza pan and line it with it.


In the second step, you can mix the shredded mozzarella along with the cubed cream cheese in a large bowl. Then, put them in the microwave for 90 seconds, stirring halfway through. Stir again at the end until well incorporated. Stirring is very important to make them both mixed very well.



 The third step, start with the stirring of the beaten eggs along with the coconut flour. Us your hands until you would be forming a dough and it would be showing a hard form before they are fully mixed and in this case, it would be important that you would put it to soften in the microwave for 10-15 minutes.

The fourth step, now, is the time to spread the dough and put it in the baking pan with a thickness of 1/4" or 1/3" and you shall be using your hands or a rolling pin over a piece of parchment. You can do this trick in order to prevent the bubbles from forming and it would be using the toothpick to create halls in the dough.

In the final step, leave for 6 minutes and then create the holes and leave for 3 to 7 minutes. You will find that the dough color changed to a golden brown.


To make keto pizza, after the color is turned to golden color, then you can start to add the sauce and the toppings and then, return back to the oven and leave for 10 minutes.

If you don't want to use the microwave, use a double boiler to melt the cheese and cream cheese together instead. Boil water in a saucepan then places the cheeses in a metal bowl resting over the edges of the saucepan. The idea is to melt the cheese without burning it, stirring frequently.

This pizza
can be done with almond flour and in this case, you would be replacing the coconut flour with around ¾ cup of almond flour and then, don’t use 2 eggs but only one egg.


A Mouthwatering Low Carb Pizza benefits

This pizza is low carb and very beneficial and you can find the following benefits

1- Low Calories

This pizza is having low calories and at the same time, you shall feel like you are full and you don’t want to eat more or in between the meals.

2- Losing weight or keeping a balanced weight

This pizza shall help you out in keeping your body weight perfect without any gaining of extra kilos. You would be able to eat as you want without getting any extra weight.

3- High nutritional benefits

This pizza is having high nutritional value since it has eggs, coconut flour, and cheese. Moreover, you would be having a source of protein, iron, vitamin B, proteins, and more, and thus, you shall be having a boost in your nutritional benefits.

4- Very effective breakfast

This keto pizza shall make you full and shall provide you with a boost for your mornings. You would be able to have a good breakfast that makes you fulfilled and satisfied.

5- Easy recipe

This recipe for this pizza is very easy and simple. It requires that you would be having only 4 ingredients and thus, very fast, easy and makes everyone is happy and satisfied.

This pizza is having low carb and thus, you would be having a wonderful breakfast with low carb that boosts your morning energy levels to a very high extent. When it comes to breakfast, then have a breakfast like a king.

This pizza recipe is for the morning rush and being in a hurry since it shall not take any time. Also, it is hot, delicious, and with low carbs. At the same time, you would not gain any extra kilos and you will not feel any starvation till lunchtime. This pizza is perfect for all the family members and whether adults or kids, they all love the pizza.


You can prepare the dough as family time with your family and at At the same time, it is not expensive when it comes to the cost of the ingredients.

 For more pizza recipes, press here

for more easy recipes , press here

Have a wonderful breakfast.
