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 Pizza for breakfast

Breakfast pizza is beautiful as sunrise and early morning. So, why not have a pizza for your early morning?

We love Pizza and we look for breakfast every day, so why not have pizza for breakfast?! Pizza can come with many ideas that would help in its making crunchy and hot in the morning. There are numerous pizza recipes that would give you the best morning that you look up to. Pizza can be very sophisticated in its making and it is can be very easy to make. No one has all the time in the world to have a sophisticated pizza in the morning. In this article, we shall present some of the easy-making recipes that would help in the creation of a hot and crunchy morning pizza that your taste buds are longing for. These recipes are our favorite recipes and you can always use the ingredients in hand that shall be perfect for your morning pizza. Especially, if you are having kids in the house, they will eat their breakfast.

simple pizza with mozzarella, tomatoes sauce, and fresh parsley

Hot and fresh pizza is doable and it is instant and thus, it makes a better breakfast not a dream but it happens. It is a breakfast pizza for


Hot, fresh, and designed just for you, right this instant -- makes for an even better breakfast. This is breakfast pizza. There is no reason that you won’t like it and there are no limitations when it comes to its creation. You can go for a classic pizza or you can have a creative one. Think out of the box for the creation of your morning pizza.

kale, ham, mozzarella, and sausage pizza

Egg, Sausage & Caramelized Onions Breakfast Pizza

Get flour, olive oil, a pinch of salt, and bake. Then add, eggs, sausages, tomato sauce, and fry some of the onions on the heated pan. Add mozzarella cheese and in the oven for 10 minutes on medium heat. The eggs on the pizza dough are very delicious. It will give you an enriched taste and it is always a good idea to hide eggs in food for children.

Kale & Ricotta Breakfast Pizza

On pizza dough, add ricotta cheese, kale, tomatoes, and in the over for 10 minutes medium heat. You will get a wonderful pizza and a very yummy one.

Egg Pizza

One of the very simple pizzas for the mornings is egg pizza. All you need is to prepare all your ingredients ahead. Put scrambled egg in a bowl, add, pieces of ham, tomatoes, bell pepper colored, chopped thin onion slices, cheese, kale, parsley, and whatever ingredients you would like to add. Leave on a heated pan for 1-2 minutes and you can add on crunchy bread. It is very easy, simple, and takes few minutes to prepare.

Pizza bread

One of the easiest pizzas to make and it is very simple and fast. It is eaten hot, crunchy, and delicious. All you need is any bread spread that you prefer. Add on it drops of oil or spread a teaspoon of butter on the top. Add tomato sauce, or chopped tomatoes, mozzarella, olives, ham, and pepper. Place in the oven for 2-3 minutes. It is very delicious and fast to make.


Ham and Cheese Pizza

The refrigerated pizza crust is one of the crusts that you can have previously in order not to make the dough in the morning. You can choose the ingredients that you have in hand and some of the ideas for the ingredients would be onions, hamburger, sausages, peppers, gravy sauce you like, mozzarella cheese, and it fits beautiful mornings.

sausage, tomatoes, olives, mozzarella, and fresh parsley leaves pizza

Bacon and Pizza

One of the best pizzas to make is the one that has bacon slices. The ingredients that you need is around 8 slices of bacon, cornmeal half spoon, classic pizza crust, olive oil, thinly sliced onions, 3 eggs, salt, black pepper, parsley leaves that are fresh and chopped, and a quarter teaspoon of red pepper flakes.

Preheat the oven; add olive oil and the pizza crust. Add the cornmeal to the top of the crust and then transfer the dough to the pan. Add oil and garlic to the dough and add onions, bacon, and mozzarella cheese. Place in the oven for 10 minutes. Then get out and add the eggs. Then, place in the oven again for 3 minutes and then, remove in order to prevent the eggs from drying. Serve immediately and add the parsley on the top along with the red pepper.


Breakfast pizza is one of the best breakfasts for all the family members. The ingredients are very rich in their nutritional value. It will give you the best flavor and best boost for your mornings. It will make you long for it on lunch and dinner. Breakfast pizzas are always giving you room for creativity as you can use several ingredients to make it different than the one before.


Have a wonderful morning.

