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 Gluten-free Breakfast

Are you wondering what to have on breakfast that’s gluten-free? Well, this is the article for you. Gluten is identified as the group of proteins that has been found in some grains. These grains are wheat, barley, and rye.  Gluten has a role in maintaining the shape of the food since it works by providing moisture as well as elasticity. It is the element that allows the rise of the bread as well as it is responsible for the chewy texture. 

Although it has several benefits, it has some drawbacks that have to be avoided by many people. Some people are sensitive to it and others are having allergies. Moreover, gluten-free breakfast is in many times wanted to be followed. Several foods have gluten ingredients and thus, you have to be aware of what you are eating and what ingredients are there. Always check the label present on the foods closely.

For the confusion that is there regarding the breakfast with gluten free, we shall offer you some ideas that would give you choices to have on breakfast:

Whole grains

Whole grains are one of the foods that you will find in all supermarkets on the shelf. It is a very good meal for breakfast. It gives a sense of fulfillment and it is very good for hanging out till lunchtime without having snacks or feeling hungry. However, for the gluten-free, people have to be aware when choosing the whole grain as some have gluten and others are present naturally as gluten-free. Checking the label would be very important to note the gluten-free while purchasing. Sometimes traces of gluten would be present unless processed in facilities specified for them. Oats might be having traces of gluten when they are carried in facilities that have been used in the processing of wheat.

There are many gluten-free whole grains as wild rice, quinoa, brown rice, teff, amaranth, tapioca, sorghum, and oats as well as arrowroot.

Other grains have gluten and have to be avoided as what and it includes faro, wheat berries, whole wheat, farina, barley, triticale, and rye. These grains always are included in recipes of cereals, pasta, bread, crackers, and snack foods. Moreover, you have to be careful when choosing the whole grains you have for breakfast.

Fruits and Vegetables gluten-free breakfast

One of the best meals to have for breakfast is fresh fruits and vegetables. They are very beneficial and nutritious. They give you a boost in energy and it makes your mornings better. All fresh fruits and vegetables are considered gluten-free. Yet, always take care when you are choosing your fruits and vegetables as some would be having gluten as gluten is sometimes added as a flavoring agent and sometimes, it is added as a thickener. The gluten ingredient that is added to the fruits and vegetables would be malt, hydrolyzed wheat protein, maltodextrin, and food starch that is modified. However, these ingredients would be added to the processed fruits and vegetables.

When it comes to your breakfast choices of gluten-free fruits and vegetables, there are several choices like bananas, apples, peaches, oranges, grapes, berries, onions, carrots, mushrooms, bell pepper, cruciferous vegetables as broccoli, green herbs as kale and spinach, potatoes, corn, squash, and green beans.

However, some fruits and vegetables that you have to check for the presence of gluten as the canned fruits and vegetables, and they are having sauces and these are having gluten unless it is listed on the label that the sauce or the juice is natural and does not have gluten.  In addition, the frozen fruits and vegetables are having gluten which is added to them as flavoring agents and sauces that would make them thicker in the sauce. Nevertheless, some plain frozen

fruits and vegetables are gluten-free and they would be also listed on them in many cases.

There are many ideas that you can have on breakfast along with fruits and vegetables as the smoothies that would be having carrots, kale, oranges, and bananas. It is a very tasty option that will give you a boost in energy and gluten-free.

Dairy products

Usually, dairy products are gluten-free and they are milk, butter, cheese, cream, yogurt, and cottage cheese. However, always have a check on the processed dairy products as ice creams that have additives, cheese sauce or cheese spreads, and flavored milk or yogurt since they might have gluten in them. There are dairy products that you have to avoid, as they contain gluten as the malted milk.

There are many ideas that you can have on breakfast as whole grains and milk, yogurt and fruit slices, cheese, and gluten-free toast.

Have a wonderful morning J
