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Breakfast without bread ideas

 Breakfast without bread ideas

You want to start a diet but you don’t know what to eat in the morning?! You want a low-carb breakfast? You are thinking to skip breakfast! Don’t skip breakfast. Following a diet with low carb is definitely a challenge for breakfast. You might be not hungry or busy or you want a strict diet. But skipping a diet is not the right decision. People perform much better with eating healthy breakfast. Start your day by eating a nutritious breakfast. You will make it till lunch with high productivity. You will not be starving for any snack in the middle of the day and ruin your diet.

Here are some of the best ideas for a breakfast without bread, “A low carb breakfast”, to be a good start for the day:

1- Sweet Potatoes slices with avocado and eggs

Replace the toast with sweet potato slices. Add smashed avocado and add eggs on the top. It will give you the best nutritious meal. It is high in protein, vitamins, and carotenoids. It is very healthy, low in carb, and will make you hang on till lunchtime without starving.

2- Eggs, Bacon and Thyme

One of the best meals out there for giving you a boost in breakfast; Thyme has a high quantity of vitamin C, Vitamin A, fiber, iron, and manganese. Eggs are high in protein, good cholesterol, Omega 3, and others. Bacon is rich in protein, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, minerals, zinc, potassium, Vitamins B12, B1,B3, B5, B6, and therefore, this meal is very easy to make, nutritious, and yet delicious. It is very fulfilling.

3- Bananas, Honey, Yogurt, and nuts

Bananas are a strong source of antioxidants and potassium. Bananas aid in weight loss and believe it or not, but bananas are a source of very important nutrients. Yogurt is a source of calcium. Honey is a strong anti-oxidant. Nuts are a nutritious source with antioxidants, fibers, and others. This meal is a wonderful boost for a bread-free breakfast. It is very easy to make and fast. It is fulfilling and it will leave you happy, satisfied, productive, and most of all, energetic. There are many types of nuts that can be added as almonds, pecans, pistachios, walnuts, cashews, and hazelnuts.

4- Baked eggs, kale, and herbs

All you need is some garlic on a hot pan. After you see the garlic turned to yellow color, add eggs, and some kale. You can add thyme, spinach, and parsley as well as red pepper. This breakfast is without bread. Yet, it is very delicious and will soon send you a sense of fulfillment. You will not be starving and hungry after the first hour of your day. It will make your hand on till lunch. This meal looks simple and yet, all the ingredients used are super. The thyme, kale, garlic, eggs, and any other herbs are sources of amazing nutrients. This meal will differ with your energy and your performance for the rest of the day. Your taste buds will be well- satisfied.

5- Egg and Veggies salad

You like salads? This is the one for you. Just boil eggs and cut them to a plate with broccoli, kale, and asparagus and you will find the fresh and yummy taste. It is a very delicious salad. It is very low in carbs. It has no bread. It is very easy. It is very nutritious. It is also an entertaining breakfast for lazy mornings with the family. Kale is high in vitamin C, anti-oxidant, and vitamin K. Broccoli benefits are many as it is a source of vitamin C, A, B, E, K, and folic acid. Asparagus benefits include fiber, folic acid, vitamins as A, C, and K. eggs as mentioned before a high source of protein, omega 3, and calcium. You can imagine now what you are eating is how will be reflected on your day. Moreover, this meal is very beneficial and it is an amazing source of nutrients for the body that the body needs and it is a breakfast with low carb and breakfast without bread.

6- Smoothie

What about a high vitamin-rich smoothie? Smoothies are one of the best for a refreshing start to the day. You can make a fruit smoothie using strawberries, bananas, and oranges to get the highest vitamins or you can make a vegetable smoothie with ginger, kale, cucumbers, and lemon. Smoothies for summer days will keep you hydrated and will keep your energy levels very high.

Always remember not to skip breakfast. It is important to regulate your metabolism and gives you the energy levels needed for a super kick off with your day. A breakfast without bread is doable and very easy. A low carb breakfast is out there with simple ingredients and you can have a delicious one.

Good morning and have a wonderful day J



