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10 easy Festive breakfast ideas for your family

If you are looking for some creative  10 easy Festive breakfast ideas for your family in this article just for you.

Summer is approaching and schools will end soon after a year full of Corona, bad news, lockdown, and social distancing. With the vaccine, things will settle down, and soon, everything will be back to normal. Some planned vacations need festive breakfast ideas.

This summer is different since it is coming after all the news and stress that we all passed through. Moreover, we deserve some good time. Breakfast is considered the meal that rejoices the heart and it sends positive vibes to all your family. It reflects the love that you have for them. With summer, everyone is home. 

10 easy Festive breakfast ideas for your family

Cinnamon baked roll

The cinnamon baked roll is one of the famous ideas, especially on the Christmas holidays. However, it is for all times. Everyone in the house will wake up to the cinnamon smell filling the house.

It is just the perfect breakfast pampering idea. Cinnamon baked rolls have eggs, flour, cinnamon, milk, and you can add some blueberries to it or cherries.

Festive breakfast ideas

Vegetables scrambled eggs (Spanish Omelette)

Scrambled eggs are for everyday breakfasts. However, adding vegetables to scrambled eggs is called Spanish Omelette, or Spanish tortilla is considered as the signature dish of the Spanish cuisine. 

It is very simple but it is one of the most delicious and nutritious meals. You add thinly chopped onions, potatoes, tomatoes, freshly cut parsley, and eggs to heated melted butter on medium heat. 

It takes approximately 2-3 minutes on the heat. Just remember to add online first and add tomatoes last. For extra flavor, you can add some sausages and mushrooms.

Raspberry Cream Cheese Coffee cake

Cream cheese is just yummy. Imagine adding coffee and raspberry to it! Complete taste boost to another level. 

It is one of the most breathtaking breakfast ideas. It matches your taste buds' needs for coffee and the cream cheese makes it melt in your mouth. 

It is perfect for the morning and for the afternoon. Just all you need along is tea or coffee for a complete pampering day.


Breakfast Casserole

All you need is a bowl and you add savory breakfast ingredients as cheese, eggs, bacon, onions, hash browns and you get an amazingly prepared breakfast meal. 

It is presented in the form of a cake and thus, it gives your guests and your family the festive breakfast and the sense of high hospitality, although all it has taken you is 5 minutes in the oven.

Cheese, eggs, and bacon croissants

This looks difficult from the name croissants. However, you can use instant dough and add inside bacon, cheese, and eggs or you can sausages, cheese, and eggs and it is very delicious. You can take it to work and impress others with the smell of your bakery. In addition, all children love it.

Cheese, eggs, and bacon croissants

Lemon cake

If you want to cook and impress, the lemon cake is one of the heart-melting cakes ever. It is sweet and sour. It is a source of a vitamin boost in the morning. It satisfies your taste buds. Lemon cake is very easy to make, you just add lemon to the cake while preparation and you can prepare on the top lemon cream.


Crepes with melted chocolate and bananas

If we mention festive breakfast, then crepe has to pop up. Crepes are very thin pancakes. They are originally from French cuisine. They are made of three ingredients; eggs, milk, and flour. 

They are served hot or cold. Adding melted chocolate and slices of bananas to it, it is a real festive breakfast out there. All the family and your guests will be impressed. It takes 5 minutes of preparation and cooking. 

You can get creative with it and add honey, jam, strawberries, and maple syrup. It is good with all additions.

Crepes with melted chocolate and bananas

Breakfast Burritos

Breakfast burritos are well known. They give your day the proper meaning of being full and a festive way to start the day. You can make them ahead and only reheat them for breakfast so as not to consume time as they are time-consuming somehow. 

You can customize the burritos with eggs, pepper, sausages, bacon, cheeses, onions, and tomatoes. It is one of the best festive breakfast meals out there.

Vegetable breakfast

This is a very colorful breakfast meal, delicious, nutritious, and festive. All you need to do is to make shopping the other day for fresh mushrooms, carrots, zucchini, olives, beans, peas, sweet corn, onions, potatoes, and any other vegetables you like. 

Slice them all with the shape you like. Just add few drops of olive oil into a pan and put all the mix in the oven for 10 -15 minutes. It is very delicious and matches the vegans in your house.

Toast and eggs

Just heat your toast and put an egg on it and leave few minutes on a pan on medium heat and flip on the other side. It gives you a crunchy toast with eggs. It is very delicious and the crunchiness is the best for the morning start of the day. It is surely a festive breakfast with fresh juice besides.

amazing 10 easy Festive breakfast ideas for your family to try.
