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5 great dessert recipes that can be eaten on the diet

 Many people love sweets, but during a diet, they cannot eat sweets because they contain a large proportion of sugar, so this article is about 5 great dessert recipes that can be eaten on the diet.

5 great dessert recipes that can be eaten on the diet

Custard diet


  • 1/2 kg skimmed milk
  • 2 tablespoons custard powder
  • 9 tablespoons fructose

How to prepare:

In a deep bowl, put the egg-milk powder and fructose together, then dissolve the mixture with 5 tablespoons of milk

Pour the remaining milk into a special saucepan and heat over medium heat for 10 minutes or until boiling

Add the custard and fructose mixture to the milk, whisking continuously for 3 minutes until the mixture thickens

Remove the saucepan from the heat, pour the custard into cups and set aside to cool

After cooling, put the cups in the refrigerator for at least two hours before serving

Brownies diet 


  •  Egg and egg whites. 
  • A quarter cup of diet sugar.
  •  A spoonful of vanilla. 
  • A glass of finely ground oats. 
  • A quarter cup of brown flour. 
  • Bag of baking powder. 
  • Spoon of Nescafe.
  •  Three tablespoons of oil
  •  Grains of bitter chocolate.
  •  Nuts intent.

How to prepare:

 Beat the egg and egg whites in a mixing bowl, add sugar and vanilla, and beat the ingredients until the egg is gone. Mix baking powder with oat flour, flour, and Nescafe in another bowl.

 Gradually add the flour mixture to the mixing bowl while continuing to mix until you have a homogeneous mixture.

Form the mixture into circles and layout a little, then decorate with chocolate granules and nuts. Place the circles in the oven tray lined with parchment paper and bake at 180 C for about ten minutes.

5 great dessert recipes that can be eaten on the diet

Chocolate cake for weight loss

The words cake, chocolate, and diet are three words that may not be used to describe them in a single sentence, except in the context of chocolate cake and diet conflict, but this way of making chocolate diet cake makes it one of the desserts diet-friendly recipes.


  • Cup and 1/4 flour
  • 1/4 cup raw cocoa
  • 3/4 diet sugar
  • Dark chocolate pieces
  • 1/4 cup light oil
  • 1 cup skimmed yogurt
  • Baking powder packaging
  • Vanilla spoon
  • A pinch of salt

How to prepare:

Sift flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, and salt into a bowl, then add all ingredients except chocolate
Slowly beat the ingredients for a minute, then increase the speed and beat again, if the texture of the cake calls for water, put a little

When the dough is of the right consistency, add the chocolate chips and mix again until the ingredients are homogeneous

Place a piece of butter on the cake pan and gently place the dough on top
Place the dough in a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius
Do not turn on the oven before 35 minutes and test how ripe it is with a clean knife or toothpick.



  • Number of crackers Paco Graham
  • 1/2 teaspoon Nescafe
  • Tablespoon of cold water
  • Light yogurt or labneh mixed with sour cream
  • 1/2 scoop diet sugar
  • Vanilla or coffee

How to prepare

First, we grind the number of available cookies.

In a medium bowl, place the first layer of crumbled biscuits.

We dissolve the Nescafe in the cold water we have available and put it on the crumbled biscuit.

Put a layer of light yogurt mixed with sugar and vanilla.
We rearrange the layers again (crushed biscuit, Nescafe, yogurt)،

Then we sprinkle a little coffee or cocoa on top. We put it for two or three hours in the refrigerator, then take it out, eat it cold.

Cheesecake diet


  •  a box of biscuits.
  •  Low-fat cheese.
  •  Half a glass of skim milk.
  •  A glass of low-fat condensed milk. 
  • Blueberry sauce. 
  • Two pieces of soft cheese. 

How to prepare:

 Place the biscuits in a food processor and grind finely. Add half a cup of milk to the biscuits and stir the ingredients until you have a sand-like mixture. Line the resulting mixture with the tray and place the tray in the freezer of the refrigerator until the mixture thickens.

 Put the condensed milk in a thick-base saucepan, put the saucepan on medium heat and add low-fat cottage cheese and soft cheese to it, stir the ingredients until the cheese is completely dissolved and you have a thick homogeneous mixture.

 Put the mixture on top of the biscuit layer and level the surface, then return the tray to the freezer of the refrigerator and leave for two hours. Remove the tray, garnish with raspberry sauce and chop.

After you know these recipes, now you can eat sweets during the diet and you are comfortable with the mind

 If you want other healthy dessert recipes, click here

If you want other healthy recipes, click here
