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4 Different ways to make zucchini

 Different ways to make zucchini.. Zucchini is a delicacy that is loved by many people all over the world.  Can we imagine that you have not tried zucchini yet!

 It is known that zucchini is one of the vegetables that is famous for its many benefits to the body, and due to these many benefits.

 several delicious and nutritious zucchini recipes can be made and contains many of the nutrients that zucchini contains.

 But if we want to talk about zucchini dishes in gatherings, we have collected delicious and fast zucchini dishes for you. 

 Now let's get acquainted with some delicious zucchini recipes and cooks, the ingredients of which are available in every home through the following lines of this article.

4 Different ways to make zucchini

 zucchini molds


  •  Zucchini - 5 pieces
  •  Chicken or minced meat - 300 gr
  •  Medium sized chopped onion - 1
  •  mashed garlic - cloves
  •  Salt - as desired
  •  Spices - as desired
  •  Oil - two tablespoons
  •  Ingredients for the white sauce
  •  Oil - 3 tablespoons
  •  Flour - 3 tablespoons
  •  Liquid milk - 4 cups
  •  Spices - as desired
  •  Salt - as desired

 Method of preparation:

 Place the zucchini in boiling water and leave for 5 minutes, or until almost done.  Make sure it doesn't get too ripe, as you won't be able to use it.

 Remove the zucchini from the fire and divide it in half lengthwise.  Empty what's inside.

 Put a frying pan on the fire and heat two tablespoons of oil in it, then add the chopped onions, garlic, salt and spices.

 When the onions and garlic wilt, add the meat or chicken.  Leave the pan on the fire until the filling is done.

 Fill the zucchini halves with the meat or chicken mixture and place in an oven tray.

 To prepare the white sauce or the marmalade sauce, heat the oil in a saucepan over a stove, then add the flour to it and stir until all the lumps are gone.

 Add cold milk at room temperature to the saucepan and continue to stir until the mixture boils, then add salt and spices.

 Pour the marmalade sauce over the zucchini, then put the tray in the oven under the grill and leave until golden.

 Serve the dish with lemon

 Zucchini stuffed with sausage and cheese


  •  1/2 kilo sausage
  •  1 chopped onion
  •  2 cloves minced garlic
  •  2 tomatoes, small pieces
  •  1/2 cup cheese, small pieces
  •  1/2 cup feta cheese, cut into small pieces
  •  1 tablespoon minced fresh thyme
  •  1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  •  6 medium sized zucchini
  •  1 tablespoon olive oil
  •  1/2 cup tomato juice
  •  1 tablespoon chopped fresh mint
  •  Salt and Pepper
  •  2 tablespoons grated cheese

 Method of preparation:

 Remove the sausage film and place the filling in a pan over a medium heat, then add the onion and garlic, stirring for 10 minutes, or until the sausage is completely done, then drain the fat.

 Put the sausage in a deep bowl, add tomatoes, cheese, thyme and cinnamon, stirring until the ingredients overlap, season the mixture with salt and pepper, then set aside.

 Cut the ends of the zucchini on both sides, then cut it in half and scoop out the pulp so that it is shaped like a boat.

 Preheat the oven to 170 degrees Celsius.

 Mix oil, tomato juice and mint in a deep bowl, then pour into an oven tray.

 Arrange the zucchini units in the pan and stuff them with the sausage mixture, then sprinkle with grated cheese.

 Bake in the oven for 20 minutes or until fully cooked and serve warm.

 zucchini pancakes


  •  3 cups shredded zucchini
  •  1 cup diced onions
  •  2 eggs
  •  1 cup all-purpose flour
  •  1 teaspoon baking powder
  •  1/2 tea spoon of chili
  •  1/2 teaspoon salt
  •  1/4 tea spoon of pepper
  •  1 cup mayonnaise
  •  juice of half a lemon
  •  1/2 tea spoon of chili

 Method of preparation:

 Mix the zucchini, onion and eggs in a large bowl.

 Combine the flour, baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon chili powder, salt, and pepper in a small mixing bowl and stir together. Then add the dry ingredients to the zucchini mixture and stir all together.

 Divide it into balls and shape it well and then drop it in hot oil or put it on a greased tray and put it in the oven until it turns red.

 Stuffed zucchini on the Syrian way


  •  4 kilos of zucchini, small and pitted
  •  3 cups rice, rinsed and soaked
  •  ½ kilo minced beef
  •  ½ cup oil
  •  2 tablespoons ghee
  •  ½ teaspoon ground cumin
  •  ¼ teaspoon ground cardamom
  •  ½ teaspoon ground dry coriander
  •  ¼ teaspoon ground cloves
  •  ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  •  Salt and black pepper


  •  1 cup peeled and juiced tomatoes
  •  3 tablespoons tomato sauce
  •  7 cups chicken broth
  •  Salt and black pepper

 Method of preparation:

 Drain the rice and put it in a large bowl.

 Add the meat, oil, ghee, cumin, coriander, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, salt and black pepper and mix well.

 Fill two-thirds of the zucchini with the filling.

 On high heat, put the juiced tomatoes and tomato sauce, and let them boil for 10 minutes, stirring constantly.

 Add chicken broth, salt and pepper.

 Put the zucchini in the sauce, and leave it on high heat until it boils.

 Reduce the heat, then cover the pot and leave the zucchini until tender.

 Put the zucchini and tomato sauce in a serving dish.

 The benefits of zucchini are many, especially as it is a light and cold vegetable on the stomach, so the zucchini dish of all kinds is always present in the list of healthy eating dishes, as it is an easy and quick dish.

 Here ends today's article, we hope you like it and wait for us for more delicious recipes, and if you want more delicious recipes, you can browse the rest of the cooking sections on the site
