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4 ways to make a delicious and crispy Cinnabon

 Cinnabon is one of the most delicious types of Western sweets that include cinnamon in its preparation, and it has a distinctive and good taste. 

 Discover the distinctive and delicious taste of the most famous sweets with delicious cinnamon and serve it as a dessert on your table..

4 ways to make a delicious and crispy Cinnabon


 Preparation time: 120 minutes

 Cooking time: 40 minutes

 Serves: ten people


 Four cups of flour.

 Half a cup of warm milk.

 Four teaspoons of instant yeast.

 A third of a cup of melted butter.

 one egg.

 A third of a cup of sugar.

 Small spoon of salt.

 Sugar mixture for the rolled dough:

 melted butter.

 Four tablespoons of cinnamon.

 Three quarters of a cup of sugar.

 Sauce ingredients:

 One and a half cups of brown sugar.

 A quarter of a teaspoon of salt.

 One and a half cups of pecans, cut into large pieces.

 Half a cup of melted butter.

 A quarter cup of corn syrup.

 Method of preparation

 Put the ingredients for the dough, except for the flour, and mix all the ingredients with a hand whisk.

 Add two cups of flour and stir the ingredients until the mixture is combined. 

 Gradually add the remaining amount of flour while kneading until it becomes a smooth dough (you can use the electric mixer).

 Put the dough in an oiled bowl, cover it and leave it for an hour until it doubles in size and ferments, then knead it again gently to remove the air from it and leave it for forty minutes.

 Roll the dough into a rectangle lengthwise. Grease the surface of the dough with melted butter and sprinkle with ground cinnamon and powdered sugar. 

 Roll the dough into a cylinder and then cut it into pieces of appropriate thickness.

 Put the sauce ingredients of brown sugar, butter, salt, pecan nuts and corn syrup in a saucepan over the heat and stir until the mixture becomes light brown in color.

 Prepare oven trays and grease them with butter.

 Put a tablespoon of the sauce in the oven trays and place a piece of the cut dough on top of the sauce.

 Leave the dough in the molds and cover for forty minutes.

 Put the molds in the oven at 180 ° C for thirty-five minutes.

 Fried Cinnamon Rolls

Preparation time: 5 minutes

 Cooking time: 24 minutes

 Serves: 20 people


 Three cups of flour.

 A quarter of a teaspoon of fine sugar.

 Three tablespoons of corn oil.

 Two teaspoons of instant yeast.

 Two tablespoons of powdered milk.

 Half a teaspoon of salt.

 Three teaspoons of yogurt.

 Three tablespoons of cinnamon.

 Three quarters of a cup of warm water.

 ¼ cup of soft butter.

 ¼ cup of fine granulated sugar.

 Corn oil for frying.

 Covering components:

 Crushed hazelnut.

 Three cups of powdered sugar.

 Two to three tablespoons of milk.

Method of preparation:

 Prepare a wide tray for the oven and place a piece of butter paper in the bottom of the tray.

 Put two and a half cups of flour, sugar, salt, milk and yeast in the bowl of a stand mixer and run on low speed until ingredients are combined.

 Add milk, oil and water, and process on medium speed until a firm dough forms.

 Add the remaining flour if the dough is soft and knead for another five minutes.

 Grease a bowl with oil, put the dough in the bowl and grease the surface of the dough with oil.

 Cover the dough with a piece of cling film and put it in a warm place for an hour, until it doubles in size.

 Dust the work surface with flour and roll the dough into a rectangle.

 Distribute the butter, cinnamon and sugar and roll the dough into a roll.

 Cut the roll into pieces and put them in the tray, leaving space between all the pieces.

 Cover the tray with a towel and leave it until it doubles in size in a warm place.

 Put some oil in a deep frying pan and put it on a medium heat.

 Put the rolls in the hot oil and fry the cinnamon rolls until golden.

 Take the rolls out of the oil and place them on a blotting paper to get rid of the excess oil.

 Put the sugar in a deep bowl and gradually add the milk until you get a thick sauce.

 Sprinkle with sugar and hazelnuts when serving.

Silicon with cinnamon and chocolate

 Preparation time: 5 minutes

 Cooking time: 10 minutes

 Serves: 50 people


 A quarter cup of crushed hazelnuts.

 Two tablespoons of melted butter.

 A tablespoon of cinnamon.


 Chocolate cream is ready.

 Method of preparation:

 Preheat the oven to a temperature of 180 ° C, prepare the oven tray and put a piece of butter paper in the tray.

 Dust the work surface with flour and roll the dough into a rectangle shape using a rolling pin.

 Wipe the dough with butter using a brush and sprinkle the cinnamon and sprinkle the hazelnuts.

 Cut the dough into pieces into longitudinal strips using a sharp knife and roll the dough strips into a spiral shape and put them in the tray.

 Bake the silicon strips for fifteen minutes, until golden.

 Take the tray out of the oven and leave it to cool completely.

 Distribute the chocolate on the silicone and serve.

 Cinnabon sauces

 Cooking time: 2:00 minutes

 Serves: 10 people

 Cooking method: heat on the fire


 White Cream Cheese Sauce Ingredients:

 a glass of milk.

 A cup and a half of sugar.

 Two tablespoons of butter.

 Two hundred and fifty grams of cream cheese.

 Caramel sauce ingredients:

 A cup of sugar.

 A quarter cup of water.

 A cup of whipped cream.

 A tablespoon of butter.

 Chocolate sauce ingredients:

 a glass of milk.

 Fifty grams of sugar.

 Seventy-five grams of dark chocolate.

 A tablespoon of cocoa.

 tablespoon of butter.

 Method of preparation:

 Preparing the white cream sauce:

 Put a cup of milk with half a cup of sugar in a pan and let it boil over medium heat.

 Add two hundred and fifty grams of white cheese to the mixture, continue stirring quickly and leave it to boil.

 Add a quarter cup of butter to the ingredients and continue stirring.

 Preparing the caramel sauce:

 Heat a cup of sugar with a quarter cup of water in a pan and continue stirring until the sugar dissolves and the ingredients come to a boil and acquire a dark golden color.

 Add a cup of whipping cream to the ingredients, then remove it from the heat and add a tablespoon of butter to it.

 Preparing the chocolate sauce:

 Put a cup of milk in a pan, then add fifty grams of sugar to the milk and leave it to boil.

 Add seventy-five grams of dark chocolate to the ingredients

 Then add a tablespoon of cocoa to the mixture and continue stirring.

 Leave the ingredients to boil, then add a tablespoon of butter to the mixture, remove it from the heat and use it.

Here we have come to the end of our article entitled How to make Cinnabon, and we have discussed the most famous Cinnabon recipes in more than one tried and successful way, but our recipes are not over yet, follow us to receive all new and distinctive from us through our website.
