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What are 4 ways that potatoes can be used in cooking?

What are 4 ways that potatoes can be used in cooking? Today we offer you some unusual recipes from potato recipes that make you love the taste of potatoes and that change the principle of fried potatoes only or boiled.

What are 4 ways that potatoes can be used in cooking?

Fast food with potatoes

Today, we will present to you the new types of potatoes from everywhere with completely different recipes from what you love in your home or to your home, 

 and you will definitely see the change in the love of potatoes and a different taste in your food always.

 Potato without meat


  •  2 large potatoes
  •  2 eggs
  •  pinch of salt
  •  Quarter of a teaspoon of black pepper
  •  Text hanging thyme
  •  Text hanging by Brika
  •  3 big spoons of flour
  •  1 medium size onion
  •  1 large green bell pepper

 Method of preparation:

 We peel the potatoes well and we wash them. Now we grate the potatoes on the large side of the grater.

 After completion, we soak the potatoes for two minutes in water to get rid of the starch.

 Take a bowl and put the two eggs in it and add salt and a quarter of a tablespoon of black pepper, paprika and thyme.

 We add 3 tablespoons of flour and stir until the mixture is homogeneous.

 We filter the potatoes now in a colander until we get rid of the water and we squeeze them well so that there is no water in them at all.

 We add to the potatoes and one small onion, grated.

 We add the mixture to the potatoes and we add green pepper cut into small pieces.

 We put a frying pan on the fire and add a little oil to it on a quiet fire and let it heat up well

 We put a little of the mixture in the oil on the fire just as you are making the taste in the oil.

 Stir it every 3 minutes for more than once until it gives a golden color to the mixture in the oil on the fire.

 We take it out of the oil and place it on a tissue or butter paper until we filter the oil from it, and we are here and the lips.

 Potato omelette


  •  2 medium size potatoes
  •  olive
  •  Chewy cheese
  •  2 eggs
  •  salt
  •  black pepper
  •  oil
  •  green pepper

 Method of preparation:

 We cut the potatoes into slices along the length of the potatoes, thin slices, about a quarter of a centimeter or less.

 We bring a frying pan, put a little oil in it, put the potatoes in the slices and leave them in the oil for a minute until they change color a little and level a little.

 We bring a bowl and put the two eggs and put salt and pepper on them and we beat them together well.

 We put the eggs on the potatoes in the oil and add the olives on top of the eggs and distribute them over the recipe from the top and we complete the settling of the recipe.

 And we set the fire for a minute on the fire, we put green pepper on it and put the rubber cheese on the recipe and leave it until the cheese melts on the recipe, here and on the lips.

Golden potatoes


  •  2 large potatoes
  •  cup of flour
  •  1 small spoonful of baking powder
  •  Paprika small hanging
  •  2 large tablespoons of starch
  •  Curcuma small spoon
  •  pinch of salt
  •  waters
  •  vegetable stock cube

 Method of preparation:

 We bring a bowl, add flour, starch, baking powder and spices, add a cube of vegetables and stir them together well so that you do not see the ingredients.

 Now we add water and stir until we get a mixture like tahini.

 We cut the potatoes into longitudinal pieces and add to the quantity of the mixture.

 We bring a frying pan and add the oil and leave it on the fire until it heats up well and we put the potatoes from the mixture in the oil and let it cook until it gives a golden color.

 We serve it on a plate with ketchup or hot sauce.

 Potato salad


  •  2 potatoes
  •  black pepper
  •  Hot sauce
  •  salt
  •  Quarter cup of olive oil
  •  big lemon
  •  green onion
  •  3 garlic cloves
  •  green parsley

 Method of preparation:

 We boil the potatoes and cut them into cubes the size of the fist.

 We chop the garlic, chop the green onions into slices, and chop the parsley well.

 We put vegetables in a bowl, add boiled potatoes cut into cubes, add chopped parsley and green onions cut into small pieces, and top with chopped garlic.

 Bring a small bowl, put olive oil and spices in it and squeeze the lemon over them.

 We put the sauce on the potatoes and the mixture and stir gently with two spoons opposite each other so that the boiled potatoes do not break and keep their shape.

 We bring a serving plate and put in the center the potato salad and around it the tomato slices to give a good shape.

 Potato pancakes with cheese


  •  3 potatoes
  •  Text of a small spoon of table salt
  •  2 small spoonfuls of sugar
  •  3 small spoons of flour
  •  Chewy cheese

 Method of preparation:

 Cut the potatoes in half and boil them well with the peel after washing them well and peel them after boiling them and put them in a bowl and chop them until they become very soft.

 Add salt and 2 small spoonfuls of sugar and chop again.

 Now we add 3 small spoons of flour to the chopped potatoes and knead by hand well until the flour mixes with all the potatoes.

 We cut it into small pieces and roll it by hand into a small ball the size of a baseball.

 We now spread it on the hand in a circular shape, add the rubber cheese inside, lock it and pellet it again.

 Take a frying pan and put a little oil in the bottom of the frying pan and bring the potato balls and press them to become circular.

 Put it on the oil and stir on both sides until it becomes golden in color.

 Quick-cooking dishes with potatoes are one of the recipes that are always available at home, which is potatoes, eggs and flour, which many of us love in our home.
