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What are 22 different preparations usually used for potatoes?

What are 22 different preparations usually used for potatoes?  French fries is the secret of happiness in this life.  You think I'm exaggerating?!  

 actually no.  I can simply forget everything bothering me in this world while eating a plate of French fries.

 So don't try to get close to me then, because you'll ruin the most important moments of my life.  

What are 22 different preparations usually used for potatoes?

  Unique ways to eat French fries

I know that only a French fries lover like me will understand what I'm talking about.

 But what I don't understand is how can someone not love her?!  Anyway, we won't discuss that today. 

 But I came specifically to share with you an unconventional way to eat French fries, which will make you fall in love with it even more.

  French fries, crunchy and hot

 Sprinkle a little hot pepper or hot spices on the fries and enjoy.  And after this meal, you will undoubtedly need an iced drink.

  French fries with cheddar cheese

 After draining the oil from the French fries, place one or two slices of cheddar cheese on top of the potatoes and let them melt, or put them in the microwave for a couple of seconds.  

 And make sure that when you eat it you will feel like you are in another world.

  Corrugated French Fries

 Change up the traditional look of french fries and make them wavy or spiral shaped.  Buy a special potato cutter from any store that has kitchen tools to make crispy potatoes with ease.

  French fries pizza

 Put the potatoes in a tray and put them in the oven until they are medium doneness.  Take out the potatoes, add tomato sauce, chewy cheese and pepperoni, and put them in the oven again until they are done and the cheese melts.

  French fries on pizza

 Put some medium-cooked french fries on top of the pizza before heating it in the oven, and you will get a more wonderful taste.

  Texas cheese fries

 After the french fries are cooked, put them in the pan, add the taco sauce, minced meat and cheddar cheese and mix well.  Take it off the stove and put the ranch sauce on it.

  Fried sweet potato fingers

 Cut the sweet potatoes into thin slices and put them on a tray lined with butter paper, then season them with salt, pepper and garlic powder and put them in the oven until they are done.  You will really get a delicious meal.

  Roasted Spicy Potatoes with Lemon and Garlicky

 Prepared in the same way as roasted sweet potato fingers, but it is seasoned with chili and lemon with garlic on the side of the dish.

  French fries with poutine sauce

 Pour the brown glass sauce with the type of cheese you prefer over the french fries.  It will make you enjoy a delicious side meal.

  Potato wings with spices

 Cut the potatoes into wider slices, add spices to them, then fry them and you will enjoy a delicious flavour.

  Fish and French fries

 Make the famous British dish that combines fish and chips and replace the latter with French fries.  There is nothing better than the taste!

  French fries with scrambled eggs

 Prepare the scrambled eggs and potatoes in a frying pan separately, then add the fried potatoes to the eggs when they are almost done.

  French fries with hot dog sandwich

 Add some French fries to a traditional hot dog sandwich to give it a delicious and distinctive flavour.

  French fries with minced meat

 Adding minced meat on top of the french fries will give you a delicious taste that is incomparable with anything else.

  Natchez chips with french fries

 While you're making your nachos, add some french fries on top and savor the flavor of the mix.

  French fries with grilled cheese sandwich

 Two delicious dishes put together in one plate, you can imagine the taste!

  French roast potatoes

 If you are looking for a healthy way to make French fries, cut the potatoes into slices and put them in the oven until they are done and have an irresistible flavour.

  Potatoes with Greek feta cheese

 This is one of my favorite cheesy potato recipes.  How delicious to put a layer of Greek feta cheese on top of French potatoes.

  Hash Brown with French Fries

 Are you a fan of hash browns?  Mash up a little French fries and put a layer of cheddar cheese on it and you will see how delicious this meal is.

  Shawarma wrapped with French fries

 Add some crunchy french fries to this delicious shawarma sandwich.  This will add a distinct flavor to the sandwich.

  French fries with meat

 In a frying pan, put the French fries with meat, cheddar cheese, hot jalapeno peppers with ranch sauce, and stir well until they are cooked, then enjoy their wonderful taste.

  Fast food with potatoes, garlic dip


  •  2 potatoes
  •  half a lemon
  •  Yogurt cup
  •  salt
  •  black pepper
  •  Yogurt cup text
  •  Large head of garlic
  •  vinegar

 Method of preparation:

 We cut the potatoes into cubes and we boil them well.

 We bring the blender and put salt and garlic and squeeze half a lemon, black pepper, vinegar, yogurt and a little oil and turn on the blender.

 Now we add the amount of boiled potatoes in the blender and add the rest of the oil and turn on the blender and chop it very well.

 Until now it becomes the garlic that everyone loves.

 Potatoes are a beautiful thing that you should try all of them with different recipes and delicious ways and you will never regret
