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10 high protein breakfast dishes

In order to have a fun day, you need a full breakfast. Regardless of whether you have exercise during the day (vigorous physical exercise) or not, you need a full and tasty breakfast in any case. Follow the article with us and find out the best and delicious 10 high protein breakfast dishes .

trust me Breakfast with protein can be a great option.

A breakfast with 15 grams or more of protein will help you get the energy you need.  It also reduces the likelihood of eating different foods and harmful snacks during the day.

Protein is an important part of breakfast that you cannot do without as it gives you the energy you need for daily tasks, and keeps you alert, focused and alert.

It also makes you feel full during the day and never feel hungry again after breakfast.

For this, your body needs the right amount of protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates to get the full energy your body needs.

Most nutritionists and dieters recommend that protein provides about 5% to 25% of the energy your body needs.

Now you are going to have some protein-rich breakfasts. Which also has a good proportion of healthy fats and carbohydrates and is a good breakfast choice for the day.

10 high protein breakfast dishes

Protein breakfast essentials

1. eggs

Of course, it is a protein source as each egg contains 3.6 grams of protein.

You can prepare scrambled eggs with fresh vegetables like lettuce and tomatoes, this is a great breakfast that gives you all the protein and fiber you need to start an active morning.

You can add whole grains to this breakfast for a complete breakfast.

2. Yogurt with fruits, nuts and oats

If you need a protein breakfast, milk and yogurt are a great source of protein.

Half a cup of yogurt contains more than 17 grams of protein.

You can add fruits such as strawberries, raspberries, peach slices or any fruits you like, along with some carbohydrates to make it a complete meal and you can add more vegetable fats.

to add more fiber and flavor to this breakfast, you can try oatmeal.

 3.  the juice

If you are in the heat of the season and don't like eating breakfast or are bored with something, you can substitute protein snacks for protein smoothies that are also quick to prepare.

For example, one type of smoothie you can make is a mixture of almond milk and yogurt as well as some healthy fruits or vegetables.

 4.  pancakes

When you crave a pancake, you can turn it into a protein-rich breakfast with just a few tweaks.

You can add protein powder and mashed bananas.

This will provide you with the protein you need without the extra fat that you can gain in your body from too many carbohydrates.

 5.  egg pie

It is a great option for breakfast.  By adding egg whites and yogurt, you get an excellent protein-rich pancake.

You can also add crushed spinach or mushrooms.  These ingredients, in addition to their many properties, give a good taste to egg tarts.

Ferritata: It is a traditional Italian meal made with eggs, added to it some other ingredients such as cheese and vegetables and almost like an omelette.

6. Oatmeal or flaxseed

Barley is known to contain a lot of protein and in fact it contains the most amount of protein compared to other grains.

If you combine this valuable grain with flaxseeds in your breakfast, you will have a fast, active diet that is also vegetarian and provides the energy needed for daily activities and exercise.

7.  Smoked salmon or grilled turkey

A delicious, energetic and healthy breakfast can also be very tasty.

Low-fat meats, such as smoked turkey or salmon, can be the perfect and delicious meal for your workout.

If you supplement this breakfast with carbohydrates such as whole grain bread, you will have a perfect breakfast that will provide a large part of your nutritional needs.

8. Boiled eggs with brown bread

This meal contains 31 g of protein, 30 g of carbohydrates, and 17 g of fat, thus giving the body about 400 calories.

Eggs are one of the most important muscle-building foods, and boiling eggs is a quick and healthy way to eat them while getting their benefits in promoting muscle building.

In general, the yolk can be eaten in moderation due to its benefits in regulating the levels of muscle-building hormones. 

This breakfast, which contains 3 boiled eggs with two slices of brown bread containing healthy carbohydrates, can be made an ideal meal for every bodybuilder in the morning.

9. white cheese with fruits

This meal contains 30 g of protein, 50 g of carbohydrates, and 3 g of fat, and gives the body about 200 calories.

White cheese is one of the excellent types, because it is a high-protein meal and a distinct supporter of muscle building, and is a low-fat meal.

You can mix a cup of low-fat cheese with one of your favorite types of fruits such as avocado slices, strawberries or apples, and thus to get a food source rich in protein and dietary fiber together, and you can also add two slices of brown bread or a plate of oats as a rich source of dietary fiber.

10. Salad 

Salad isn't just for dinner and lunch. 

You can also eat salad for breakfast. Add hard-boiled eggs to a complete, high-protein breakfast. 

You can also use whole wheat cereal to prepare a balanced breakfast.

To know more about high protein breakfast Click here. 
To know more about healthy breakfast recipes Click here. 
