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Lose weight in a 12 simple habits with a delicious recipes faster

There is a big difference between losing weight and maintaining weight and maintaining weight that happens when you lose weight in 12 simple habits with delicious recipes faster.

A person follows a lot of diets and continues to follow them in an attempt to lose some kilograms of weight, some succeed and others fail.

In many cases, a person may succeed in losing weight as much as required, and then the body returns to recover what it lost in a short time, and this is often due to the wrong eating habits followed by the person.

Below we offer you some useful nutritional tips that help a person get rid of obesity and maintain and maintain an ideal weight.

Lose weight in a 12 simple habits with a delicious recipes faster

Habits that help you lose weight

1 - Eat the food you love

Some believe that it is important when following any diet to lose weight, you should eat foods that you do not crave, but this theory has been proven wrong.

Enjoying the food you eat makes you feel happier and this helps you lose extra weight in a natural way.

If you choose a diet that contains foods you do not like, the result is the failure of this system.

2- How much do you eat?

Monitoring the portions you eat and the size of the plate you're eating is one of the psychological basics to stick to, especially when weight loss is the goal.

The amounts eaten during each meal should be monitored

3- Don't go to the restaurant

Many of us prefer restaurants that offer a large and satiating meal size, and most restaurants, especially American ones, are characterized by large portions, which results in eating more than the stomach’s capacity.

Nutrition experts also advise that the size of the meal for a person who wants to lose weight should not exceed the size of the "fist", as this quantity is sufficient to supply the body with the required calories.

And if you are keen to lose weight, try to prepare your meals yourself because restaurants will undoubtedly give you many more calories than you need.

4- Meals rich in fiber and protein

Relying on meals rich in fiber and protein in your diet makes you feel full quickly and stay that way for up to 5 hours.

Where the body benefits from these elements in the formation of muscle, unlike processed foods such as candy bars.

Vegetables and fruits are rich in fiber, for example: when you eat french fries, you do not feel as full as you would when eating cooked potatoes that are rich and full of fiber.

It is good that any healthy diet should contain a high content of protein and fiber, because they are two components that make a person feel full and full, and thus prevent overeating.

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5 - Mediterranean Diet

Nutrition experts advise to follow the "Mediterranean" diet, where his diet depends on olive oil, chickpeas, tomato salad, cucumbers, vegetables and fruits...etc.

This system helps reduce the risk of heart disease and is also very useful in strengthening memory.

Some recent studies have also proven that the "Mediterranean" diet also reduces the risk of breast cancer.

6 - Multiple Choices "Flexibility"

Flexibility is the most important factor for the success of any diet. The diet must contain several alternatives to choose between, so that the person does not get bored.

This usually happens when you follow diets that contain repeating the same type of meals daily.

7 - Drinking water

Water is the secret, so do not leave yourself for long periods without food and feel hungry, because usually in this case you will eat large quantities of food.

The best way to reduce the feeling of hunger is to drink water.

Drinking about half a liter of water half an hour before a meal will help you in losing weight in a big way.

Some studies have proven that a person who follows this method, even during one meal, loses more weight than those who do not follow this advice in their diet in a noticeable way.

8 - Don't go shopping while you are hungry

Studies have shown that the person who shop while hungry buys large quantities of ready-made meals and harmful foods, about a third, of the person who shop while feeling full.

So always try to focus, not only on what you eat, but also on what you buy.

9 - Sleeping for enough periods

According to experts and psychologists, sleeping late and waking up early, or sleeping a few hours.

They make you more likely to eat high-calorie, fatty foods that are often found in ready meals.

10 - The importance of breakfast

You should also start your day with breakfast, as it is the most important meal, according to nutrition experts.

Breakfast, especially in the early morning, helps the body start the metabolism process well, thus burning food and converting it into energy, which gives you vitality and activity throughout the day.

11 - Refrain from eating in the evening

It is very important not to eat any foods after dinner, which should be at least two hours before bed.

Because eating any foods after that accumulate in the body, which enters the stage of sleep and does not burn any fat during this period.

Therefore, nutrition experts advise that a person stop eating any foods between seven in the evening and six in the morning.

12 - Don't Starve

Recent studies have proven that the policy of starving the body when following any diet is completely wrong, as the body may succeed in losing some kilograms at first.

But soon a person develops a kind of gluttony for food, and he begins to devour large quantities of food, which leads to the accumulation of calories, and the inevitable result is an increase in body weight.

One of the best ways to calculate the amount of calories a person needs is according to body weight, and methods of calculation are available on the Internet.

 And thus start to gradually reduce the amount of calories consumed daily, and the body will undoubtedly begin to lose weight in a 12 simple habits with a delicious recipes faster. Follow these habits throughout your day and make them a part of your life.
