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4 Breakfast for faster weight loss

Breakfast is one of the most important meals throughout the day and has many important benefits, especially when following a healthy Breakfast for faster weight loss.

The diet regimen followed in order to lose excess weight in a quick and also healthy way contains all kinds of elements that benefit the human body with vitamins and protein. 

while at the same time giving it a feeling of satiety without deprivation.

These elements should be available in the breakfast taken in order for the diet followed to succeed in losing body fat.

Breakfast should be eaten in the early morning, immediately after waking up, because this helps to regulate the number and time of meals eaten throughout the day.

Breakfast for faster weight loss

Benefits of breakfast for faster weight loss 

Breakfast helps stimulate blood circulation and thus the metabolism process, which is the burning of body fat.

Breakfast gives the body the energy it needs to carry out daily activities.

Breakfast helps to feel full for long hours of the day, thus not resorting to eating unhealthy foods.

Breakfast protects a person from constipation, which usually occurs during a diet in order to lose excess weight in a quick way.

Delicious breakfast recipes for faster weight loss

Diet French Toast

Diet French Toast

  • A slice of brown toast for diet.
  • an egg.
  • Sprinkle with vanilla.
  • A quarter cup of skim milk.
  • Diet sugar spoon.
  • a little oil
  • Strawberry for garnish.

Method of preparation:

Mix the milk, egg, vanilla and diet sugar together.

Then put a slice of diet brown toast in the previous mixture and stir it until the mixture is well absorbed.

Now heat the pot with a dash of oil in it, then put a slice of toast and leave it until it turns red for 3 minutes, then flip it on the other side.

The fruit is decorated with a sprinkle of diet sugar and slices of strawberry, apple, peach, pear or kiwi.

Bean recipes for diet breakfast for weight loss 

Bean recipes for diet breakfast for weight loss

Benefits of beans for quick weight loss

  • Beans help reduce harmful cholesterol in the human body.
  • Eating beans helps to feel full.
  • The beans also maintain the balance of blood sugar.
  • Beans protect the body from disease and strengthen the immune system.
  • In addition, it prevents the formation of harmful dyes such as freckles and melasma.
  • Beans are one of the foods that are recommended to be included in the diet regimen followed in order to lose excess weight.

Bean recipes for diet

It is important to eat a medium bowl of broad beans with a spoonful of olive oil and a pinch of salt.

Or you can add a tablespoon of sunflower oil, a lemon and a pinch of salt to a medium dish of beans, at a rate of 3 to 4 tablespoons, not more than this.

It is also preferable to add a tomato, a cucumber and a small onion cut into small cubes to a medium dish of beans and a spoonful of olive oil.

oats for diet

oats for diet

Benefits of oats for quick slimming

  • Oats are a diuretic and rid the body of excess water.
  • Oatmeal helps you feel full because it is rich in fiber.
  • Oats regulate blood sugar level.
  • Oats help regulate the work of the digestive system and prevent constipation.

Method of preparation:

Bring a cup of instant oats and add a cup of skimmed milk to it.

You can add any kind of fruit, such as pieces of apple, strawberry, pear, pineapple or kiwi.

With the addition of a few nuts from 4 to 5 unsalted and no sugar added.

A spoonful of honey or diet sugar can be added, as desired.




  •  An egg and another egg white.
  •  A tablespoon of fat-free milk.
  •  Salt and black pepper.
  •  A little oil.
  •  A tablespoon of assorted vegetables cut into small cubes.

Method of preparation:

Bring a non-stick pan.

Mix eggs with skim milk, add salt and black pepper, and stir well.

Various vegetables are added and stirred.

Now heat the pot well with a little oil.

Add the omelette mixture and leave it for a few minutes until level,  then flip it or put it in the oven until the face is completely flat.

You can also garnish by sprinkling a few fresh parsley leaves or fresh green onion leaves.

Drinks allowed in breakfast

You can have green tea or coffee and sweeten it with diet sugar or half a spoon of regular sugar.

Skimmed milk can be added to tea or coffee.

You can also take a glass of skim milk.

Or orange juice, pineapple, grapefruit, apple or watermelon.

Or drink a refreshing lemonade with mint.

Important tips to avoid when eating breakfast

It is forbidden to eat foods fried in abundant oil.

It is forbidden to eat pastries of all kinds.

In the diet breakfast, it is forbidden to add fat or butter to foods.

It is forbidden to add sugar to juices and take into account that they are fresh and not artificial.

In the case of using regular sugar, it is forbidden to use more than half a spoon.

It is preferable to reduce the amount of fruits that contain a high percentage of calories, such as grapes, guava or dates.

If you want to eat regular bread, it is not allowed to eat more than a quarter of a piece.

It is taken into account to reduce the amount of salt added to the special breakfast meals for the diet, because salts lead to fluid retention within the body and swelling.

It is forbidden to eat sweets at all, because they lead to high blood sugar, lethargy and even increase the desire to eat all the time.
