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Breakfasts for colon cancer patients

In this article, we will learn how to make a delicious breakfast for colon cancer patients.

Colon cancer begins in the form of benign, non-cancerous polyps. 

These polyps remain benign for an estimated period of 10 years, and in the meantime.

the patient does not complain of any complaints in his stomach.

After this period, some of these growths turn into cancerous cells, which begin to grow gradually until they become malignant cancer.

The problem is that the symptoms of this disease appear very late after it has turned into cancer, which reduces the chance of a full recovery from it.

And people at risk of colon cancer are people who have had colon cancer in the past, or a member of their family has had cancer, or they complain of chronic colon infections.

Breakfasts for colon cancer patients

Important nutritional advice for colon cancer

Eat more high-fiber foods

It is recommended to eat more fiber-rich foods such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains, as they reduce the development of colon cancer.

This is because the high-fiber food causes an increase in stool volume and reduces the time for waste passage in the colon, and therefore the amount of substances that help in the occurrence of cancer is reduced.

Avoid excessive intake of protein-rich foods

It is advised to avoid excessive intake of protein-rich foods such as meat because it consumes a large amount of enzymes in its digestion, and this increases its role in the development of cancer.

Overuse of green tea

It is recommended to drink more green tea because it contains a high percentage of antioxidants and phenols.

In addition, it contains the properties of slowing the growth of cancer cells.

Eating foods with a low glycemic index

Many doctors recommend eating foods that do not raise blood sugar levels quickly, such as vegetables, fruits, and legumes.

And reduce the intake of foods with a high glycemic index, such as simple carbohydrates found in sugar, honey, sweets, pastries, and white bread.

Take a lot of turmeric

It is recommended to eat a lot of turmeric, as it contains curcumin, which plays a role in inhibiting the H. pylori microbe, which is known to increase the complications of colon cancer.

It also inhibits the enzyme COX, which is linked to colon cancer.

Eating broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage

It is recommended to eat broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage because they reduce carcinogens because they contain indole compounds.

It also contributes to reducing the development of colon cancer.

Eating more foods rich in vitamins

It is also recommended to eat more foods rich in vitamins such as vitamin E, vitamin D, vitamin C and vitamin A.

Refrain from drinking alcohol

Drinking alcohol should be avoided due to its role in reducing the development of colon cancer.

Other tips:

 Eating more fish of all kinds

 Quit smoking and alcohol

 Complete rest and sleep

 Avoid obesity and overweight

 exercise regularly

Breakfast for colon cancer patients:

  •  Lactose-free milk + unsweetened corn flakes.
  •  You can eat a plate of oats with cinnamon without sugar.
  •  Slice of bread with peanut butter and banana.

 Lunch suggestions:

  •  Salmon in olive oil
  •  tuna salad
  •  Gluten-free pasta with grilled chicken pieces
  •  Steak with boiled vegetables

 Dinner suggestions:

  •  Salmon with vegetables
  •  Yogurt
  •  Bread or toast
  •  natural bee honey

Healthy foods that benefit colon patients


Yogurt contains healthy yeasts that improve digestion and reduce colon infections.

Also, due to the presence of vitamin D, which has many benefits that benefit the body.

Whole grains:

Cereals are healthy foods that contain many amounts of vitamins, minerals and fiber that benefit colon patients, such as:

 brown rice.

 Brown bread.

 Brown flour.


Foods rich in fiber:

The fiber in food improves digestion, reduces constipation and bloating.

Examples of these foods that contain fiber are vegetables such as: tomatoes, and fruits such as: pears, bananas, oranges and red berries.

Some Herbs :

 Herbs calm the nerves and stomach, such as:


 Green tea.





 healthy fats :

 Healthy fats are found in natural products such as:

 Olive oil, liqueur such as almonds, and fruits such as avocado.

 Also, the fats in fish are unsaturated fats that facilitate digestion and benefit the colon, such as: salmon.

Foods to avoid for colon cancer patients

There are some foods that should be avoided by colon patients, including the following:

Foods high in fat :

Some sources of fat can contain fiber, such as coconut and poppy seeds.

Some fruits :

Some types of fruits and their juices can cause colon irritation, such as dried fruits and prune juice.

Barley and sweets:

Among the sweets that should be avoided are those that contain bran, such as cakes, coconut, dried fruits, and jams.

herbs :

Ginger for colon patients is one of the herbs that may be beneficial for the health of the digestive system, as some research has found a relationship between ginger tea consumption and a lower risk of colon cancer.

The use of lemon can also help facilitate digestion.

Other foods to avoid :





 Soft drinks

 Drinks that contain caffeine, such as tea or coffee

 Foods that are high in fat



 Products containing lactose


 fried potato


 grilled chicken.

A delicious recipe for colon cancer patients

Cabbage and tomato salad

Cabbage and tomato salad

the ingredients :

  •  Half a medium head of cabbage, finely chopped.
  •  Avocado, cut into small cubes.
  •  Green bell pepper, finely chopped.
  •  Four tomatoes, cut into small pieces.
  •  Four tablespoons of lemon juice.
  •  A teaspoon of fine cumin.
  •  A clove of crushed garlic.
  •  Two tablespoons of olive oil.
  •  Small spoon of salt.
  •  A teaspoon of dry mint.

How to prepare:

Mix in a bowl the cabbage and tomatoes.

Add garlic, avocado, oil, mint, lemon juice, and salt to the vegetables and mix well.

Put in a bowl to serve.

To learn more about recipes that are suitable for colon cancer patients, click here. 
To learn more about quick healthy recipes, click here
