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4 Useful and delicious juices

Juices and water are generally useful and delicious juices or drinks to keep the body hydrated, but sugary drinks, sodas and energy drinks in general should be avoided.

There are many useful and natural drinks full of vitamins, minerals and fiber, as follows:

Useful and delicious drinks:

Useful and delicious drinks:

Green tea

Green tea is the number one healthy and beneficial beverage on the entire planet, with proven benefits in boosting brain function and lowering blood sugar levels.

Green tea also contains antioxidants, improves metabolism, increases fat burning, prevents cancer and other amazing benefits, and it tastes delicious.

lemon water

Lemon juice is a good source of vitamin C, which is essential for healthy, glowing skin and a strong immune system.

Cranberry juice

Cranberry juice is packed with vitamins and minerals important to the human body, including vitamin E, vitamin C, and copper, as well as several phytonutrients that confer anti-inflammatory properties.

Also, cranberry juice raises the levels of beneficial cholesterol in the blood, and increases the levels of antioxidants in the plasma, which reduces the risk of heart disease.

Cranberry juice helps prevent some urinary tract diseases, and many women use it to prevent bladder infections.

Ginger tea

Ginger was used in ancient times to treat many diseases, as it contains healthy plant compounds, 

and ginger is a natural antibiotic for inflammation and also contributes to reducing nausea and vomiting.

In addition, it is full of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, calcium, iron and phosphorous, and also contains very high levels of antioxidants.

Coconut water

Coconut water has many health benefits, as it contains many antioxidants, and coconut water is a natural source of sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium, 

which is why many parents prefer it for their children.

pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice is rich in antioxidants and is beneficial in supporting prostate deterioration. Pomegranate juice contains very high levels of antioxidants.

Studies have also proven that pomegranate juice reduces inflammation in diabetic patients, and pomegranate juice prevents the growth of cancer in men with prostate cancer.

mint tea

Mint leaves contain many plant and essential oils, such as menthol, menthone and limonene, in addition to the active micro-nutrients and plant compounds that support heart health, 

calm the nervous system, and also help relieve gas, bloating and indigestion.

Peppermint tea also calms the digestive system, helps freshen breath and improves breath naturally.

black coffee

Unexpectedly, black coffee contains very high levels of antioxidants and beneficial nutrients for the body, including vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, potassium and magnesium.

Black coffee also helps to increase fat burning and reduce the risk of cognitive decline, as studies have shown that black coffee reduces the risk of many serious diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, depression and cancer.

Beet juice

Beetroot or beet juice contains essential vitamins and minerals, such as potassium, iron, vitamin B9, vitamin C, and powerful antioxidants and plant compounds.

Beets also contain nitrates that help relax blood vessels, and are useful for people with high blood pressure, and in improving physical performance, as it is an energy booster.

 tomato juice

One of the benefits of tomato juice is that it contains a large percentage of vitamin C, and it also contains a high percentage of lycopene, which is another powerful antioxidant compound known to fight and reduce inflammation.

Tomato juice is a rich source of lycopene, which has benefits for heart and prostate health.

Delicious cold drinks

Orange and banana juice

Orange and banana juice

Bananas and oranges are refreshing, taste great and will give you a natural immunity with vitamin C and other elements.

 the ingredients:
  •  3 large cups almond milk or regular milk
  •  3 bananas
  •  2.5 large oranges
  •  1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Preparation method:

First, cut the banana into slices and the orange into small cubes.
Squeeze the banana and orange in the blender first, then add the vanilla and milk at the end, and mix all the ingredients together.
You can also add crushed ice to the previous mixture until you get a refreshing and cold drink.

Lemonade with tea

Lemonade with tea

Lemon juice is one of the most refreshing drinks you can have, as well as its many benefits for the body and boosting immunity.
What if you take it with cold tea?  Get to know this combination.

the ingredients:
  •  2 cups of water
  •  2 cups of lemon juice
  •  1 large lemon for garnish
  •  2 tablespoons of diet sugar or honey
  •  Red tea
  •  mint leaves
Preparation method :

First, boil the water and put the tea in boiling water for 5 minutes, then drain.
Add sugar to the tea, stir until dissolved, and let it cool.
Add lemon juice to tea and mint leaves with ice cubes.
Finally, cut the lemon into slices and put it on the cup and eat it, you will feel refreshed immediately.

Delicious hot drinks

If you are a fan of hot drinks, here are a lot of healthy hot drinks that you can take to strengthen immunity and enjoy the taste as well...

Ginger, lemon and mint tea

Ginger, lemon and mint tea

Although ginger tea may not be a favorite for many, but no one neglects its benefits for the stomach and fat burning.

It helps in proper digestion and stimulates burning in the body.

the ingredients:
  •  Fresh ginger slices
  •  Lemon juice
  •  hot water cup
  •  mint leaves
  •  honey spoon
Preparation method:

Put the ginger slices in the hot water.
Add lemon juice and stir it with water and ginger.
Add honey and mint leaves, stir until the honey dissolves, then eat it.

Milk tea drink

Milk tea drink

We usually drink milk with coffee and milk, but have you tried milk tea?

the ingredients:
  •  one red tea
  •  2 cups of milk
  •  1 teaspoon cinnamon
  •  1 teaspoon ginger or fresh ginger slices
  •  1 tablespoon honey
  •  Boiling water
 Preparation method :

Put the ginger and cinnamon in the water with stirring, and leave
them on the fire to boil the mixture.
Add tea and leave them with them.
Then remove the mixture from the fire and let it cool.
Boil the milk, then add honey and stir them together.
Add milk and honey to tea, stir, put in cups and serve.
