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4 Delicious cake for a light breakfast

Making an easy and delicious cake for a light breakfast is one of the things that baffles anyone, especially if he has children, but with the multiplicity of ingredients and varieties, things become easy.

Cake is one of the sweets that no one in the family disagrees with, and it is found on all occasions.

It can also be eaten with tea or any suitable drink, and an economical and easy cake can be made by putting several flavors such as vanilla, orange and cocoa.

As well as decorating it with fruit, cream, jam or chocolate, as it is rich in nutrients that benefit the health of our children.

Delicious cake for a light breakfast

Easy and Delicious cake:

Delicious chocolate cake

Delicious chocolate cake

Ingredients :

For the cake:-

  •  4 eggs.
  •  1.5 cups of sugar.
  •  cup of vegetable oil.
  •  a glass of water.
  •  1 Cake Enhancer.
  •  1/2 teaspoon vanilla.
  •  2 cups flour.
  •  3 tablespoons of cocoa.

To decorate:-

  •  1.5 cups of milk.
  •  1 packet whipped cream.
  •  1 cup milk water.
  •  200 ml chocolate cube.
  •  160 gm milk chocolate.

Method of preparation:

Beat eggs and sugar, then gradually add the rest of the ingredients.

Pour the cake into the greased cake tin and bake in a 180 degree oven for 35 minutes or until done.

Ten minutes after it comes out of the oven, soak it in cold milk.

While the cake is cooking, we need to whip the cream and put it in the fridge and when the cake cools down, we put the cream on it.

Then we prepare the liquid chocolate by putting the cream on the fire and when it is hot we turn off the stove and, 

put the chocolate on the cream and stir it until it melts and then pour the liquid chocolate on the cake.

Put the cake in the fridge to cool down, then serve cold.

marble cake

marble cake


  •  2 eggs at room temperature.
  •  2 cups of sugar.
  •  1 cup of milk.
  •  1 cup vegetable oil.
  •  A cup of fine flour.
  •  A tablespoon of cocoa powder.
  •  A large hanging of powder.
  •  a pinch of salt.
  •  Small spoonful of vanilla.

Method of preparation:

Using a mixer, put the liquid ingredients together (eggs, sugar, milk, oil, vanilla).

Sift the flour well with a tablespoon of powder, then add a pinch of salt.

Add the liquid mixture to the flour mixture and mix well.

Take 2 bowls, then divide the mixture in half.

Add one tablespoon of cocoa with half of the mixture and stir well until well combined.

In a tray, put ghee with a sprinkle of flour, then add a small amount of the half that is not mixed with cocoa, and then an amount of the half added to it cocoa.

Repeat the previous step until you have finished adding the whole halves.

Make thin lines with a knife on the mixture from above to give a beautiful marble shape.

Place the tray in a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius on the middle rack for 40 minutes.

Test the cake from the center with a knife after at least 30 minutes have passed.

After the doneness is done, leave it to cool completely and then chop it.

Another recipe for quick cake

Another recipe for quick cake


  •  3 and a quarter cups of flour.
  •  cup of vegetable oil.
  •  5 eggs.
  •  a glass of liquid milk.
  •  2 tablespoons cake improver.
  •  2 teaspoons vanilla.
  •  cup of sugar.

Method of preparation:

Put the eggs, vanilla and sugar in a deep bowl and mix well.

Add oil and milk and mix well

Then add the flour and cake improver in several batches until you get a solid dough.

Pour the mixture into a cake pan greased with oil or butter.

Bake the dough in a preheated oven at 180 degrees until soft, leave to cool, then cut and serve.

This cake is distinguished by its wonderful taste that is used in all occasions and celebrations, which makes it distinct from many other types of cake and this makes professionalism important in making the cake taste great

Normal cake

Normal cake

A cake that is suitable next to a cup of tea for breakfast or for family events and gatherings. 

The cake or cake is the first jewel in the hospitality list, for ease of preparation, different flavors and delicious taste.

The easiest type of cake is the “regular cake” to provide its ingredients without the need to add food colors or artificial flavors.


  •  flour cup
  •  cup of powdered sugar
  •  1 cup liquid milk
  •  a pinch of salt
  •  vanilla sprinkle
  •  ½ cup butter
  •  3 eggs
  •  1 teaspoon cake improver

Method of preparation:

In a deep bowl, mix the butter and eggs with an electric or conventional mixer until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

Then add the vanilla and beat for 5 minutes straight

In another bowl, mix flour, salt and cake improver.

Gradually pour the flour mixture over the egg and butter mixture, continuing to beat until the right texture is obtained

Add milk and beat again

Now preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.

Grease a cake pan with butter, sprinkle with flour, then pour the mixture with it

Put the tray in the oven and bake the cake until it is done.

Make sure you learn how to make cakes so that they do not cause digestion problems, and give a cup of hot tea to your family and guests, and if you follow these simple steps, you will make sure that you get a successful cake.

To read more about Delicious cake for breakfast, click here. 
To read more about Pumpkin pie ,click here. 
