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Ingredients you need in the morning

After the Covid-19 epidemic, then, it is the right time that we pay attention to all the nutrients and the Ingredients you need in the morning that have an amazing effect on our immunity and our health.

Eating healthy has proved that it is the only way through which we can help our defense system against any infections or viruses. It is the ultimate way through which we would be able to protect our bodies.

Ingredients you need in the morning


 Iron is one of the most important ingredients that have to be in our intake as it has an effective effect on our health systems and immunity. Iron is present in vegetables and meat as well as chicken. Iron is very important and it is very critical. 


Please make sure that you are having iron in your daily diet.  If you are a woman, then you need to make sure to have more iron in your diet especially if you are a pregnant woman. Folic acid and iron are working together and thus, get the right dosage.


As a woman, then, you need to have iron as the iron consumption is higher than men and usually, women have lower iron levels than men.  


Many types of food have high iron levels such as liver (but avoid this during pregnancy), red meat, beans, such as red kidney beans, beans, and chickpeas, nuts, dried fruit – such as dried apricots, fortified breakfast cereals, and soybean flour.

Vitamin C

This vitamin is one of the most important vitamins and it is present in salad and thus, have vitamin C will make your iron more absorbed. Moreover, if you have an iron diet high, but no vitamin c, then the iron is not absorbed, and only absorbed in low amounts.  

Vitamin C is present in fruits and thus, you can have fruit salad for breakfast to increase vitamin C.  Vitamin C is having an important and major role in helping to protect cells and keeping them healthy, maintaining healthy skin, blood vessels, bones, and cartilage and in helping with wound healing.

The food containing vitamin c areas citrus fruit, such as oranges and orange juice, peppers, strawberries, blackcurrants, broccoli, brussels sprouts and potatoes.


Vitamin B

Vitamin B is responsible for ell health, growth of red blood cells, energy levels, good eyesight, healthy brain function, good digestion, healthy appetite, and proper nerve function. It is present in food like milk, cheese, eggs, liver and kidney, meat, such as chicken and red meat, fish, such as tuna, mackerel, and salmon, shellfish, such as oysters and clams and dark green vegetables, such as spinach and kale. Moreover, always make sure you are having these ingredients for breakfast ad in your diet.


Vitamin D

These vitamins are very important especially in case there is not enough sunlight that you have every day, moreover, skin health needs to have vitamin D and it is present in food as  Fatty fish, like tuna, mackerel, and salmon. Also, it is present in Foods fortified with vitamin D, like some dairy products, orange juice, soy milk, and cereals. It is present in high contents in the Beef liver, Cheese, and Egg yolks.


Antioxidants are very important as they will set a defense of the body and the cells against aging and they fight cancer cells. It has many benefits as getting rid of the radicals in the human body.

Antioxidants are very important and it is present in many of the dark red and green vegetables and fruits as plums, avocado, and cherries.  

These are an excellent source of iron, and antioxidants as well as vitamins. Other foods containing anti-oxidants high-level areas Broccoli, spinach, carrots, and potatoes are all high in antioxidants, and so are artichokes, cabbage, asparagus, avocados, beetroot, radish, lettuce, sweet potatoes, squash, pumpkin, collard greens, and kale. Using lots of spices in cooking is also good. 

Moreover, make sure that you have antioxidants in your diet in the morning in order to get the required doses of antioxidants.



it is one of the most nutrients that are important for the human body. Selenium is a nutrient that the body needs to stay healthy. Selenium is important for reproduction, thyroid gland function, DNA production, and protecting the body from damage caused by free radicals and from infection.

Selenium is very important and it is present in apples and tomatoes and these others. Brazil nuts, seafood, and organ meats are the richest food sources of selenium. Other sources include muscle meats, cereals, and other grains, and dairy products. Moreover, you would have to eat yogurt or milk and cereals and seafood like salmon and others.


Every day, please make sure of the diet that you are having and analyze the nutritional effect and benefits that they have.


Have a wonderful breakfast. 
