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These are the 6 most common intermittent fasting programs and Breakfast ideas

Definitely, you have heard about Intermittent fasting that many people are talking about to lose weight. However, many people might be doing it wrong for the dream to lose or to control their weight. You must follow a well-studied These are the 6 most common intermittent fasting programs and Breakfast ideas that benefits your body and does not harm it in the end.

Intermittent fasting has become a health trend and there are many benefits and health risks that you should know before you decide to skip your next meal. 

Some of the benefits are as improving metabolic health, weight loss, and a better lifestyle. However, the risks are that you would eat unhealthy meals at the time you are supposed to eat.

These are the 6 most common intermittent fasting programs and Breakfast ideas:

1. The 16/8 method

This method is about fasting every day and not eating for 16 hours and eating in 8 hours. In the eating period which is 8 hours, you can have two or three or even more meals. 

This method has been made popular by Martin Berkhan who is a fitness expert. This method 16/8 is also known as the Leangains protocol.

This method is fasting and not eating after dinner as well as skipping breakfast. In case the dinner is finished at 8 pm, then, you would only eat at noontime on the next day and that is around 16 hours fasting. However, skipping breakfast might make you hungry, and thus, you can have zero calories beverages or water and coffee to reduce the hunger feeling. 

However, we recommend that you eat healthy when it is time to eat and stay away from processed meat or processed food.

 We also recommend that you would have a healthy late breakfast from our breakfasts of Avocado, high energy, and vegan breakfast recipes. 

2. The 5:2 diet

This method eats 5 days of the week and restricts the calorie intake to only 500-600 calories for 2 days of the week. 

This is considered a Fast diet and it is made popular by British journalist Michael Mosley. On the two days of the fasting, it is recommended that women would have 500 calories and men would have 600 calories.

3. Eat Stop Eat

This method is very strict as it is stopping eat for 24 hours one day per week or two days per week. It has been made popular by Brad Pilon who is a fitness expert and it has become very popular for some years. However, this fasting is including water, zero-calorie beverages as well as coffee.

It is recommended that in case you will choose this intermittent fasting, that you would also stick to eating healthy the rest of the day. Also, on the days that you would be eating, don’t eat more than your regular meals.

4. Alternate-day fasting

This fasting method is about fasting every other day. This protocol involves several versions as some of them would be allowing having 500 calories on the fasting days.

However, it is important to note that this intermittent fasting method has been found ineffective by some as this method would make you go to bed hungry, and thus, it is an unsustainable method.

5. The Warrior Diet

This method has been made popular by Ori Hofmekler who is a fitness expert. This diet involves eating small amounts of vegetables, raw fruits, and low calories during the day and at night, there would be one huge meal. It is about fasting all day and eating 4 hours at night.

6. Spontaneous meal skipping

This method involves no structured intermittent fasting plan and involves skipping a meal from one time to another.

Some people can handle hunger for long times, others cannot handle starvation for a long time. Just make sure to eat healthy and balanced meals when you are not fasting.

Our Recipes for good breakfasts include:

      •       Vegan recipes.
      •       Fast recipes.
      •       Fun recipes.
      •       Festival recipes.
      •       Carb free breakfast recipes.
      •       High protein low carb breakfast.

And more breakfast recipes.

Away from the intermittent fasting methods, it is very important that you always think about the ingredients of what you are eating and what ingredients you let your body consume from time to time. Always choose quality and then, comes the quantity.


Quantity of food does not matter as long as you are caring for the details of what you are eating. 

Drink a lot of water, eat fresh food, stay away from processed food, always choose zero content of beverages, reduce your Carbs, increase your proteins, increase your vitamins have healthy snacks, don’t let yourself be hungry in the morning and thus, always give your body what it needs.

Have a wonderful breakfast.
