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5 Best Breakfast Recipes with Bananas

 5 Best Breakfast Recipes with Bananas

Why it is recommended that you have bananas for breakfast? Bananas are very popular fruits. They are considered the world’s most popular ones. Bananas are usually grown in warm weather and they come in different shapes and sizes or colors. Bananas have many benefits as a high percentage of fibers, antioxidants and they regulate digestion. The medium-sized banana is around 118 grams in weight and it has around 9% of Potassium, 33% of Vitamin B6, 11% of Vitamin C, 8% of Magnesium, 10% of Copper, 14% of Manganese, 3.1 grams of fiber, 1.3 grams of protein, and 0.4 grams of fat. The average sizes banana has around 105 calories. It has water, carbs, and very little protein. But it has no fat. In the unripe banana, starch is one of the main constituents and resistant starch. When the banana is ripened, the starch is converted into glucose, sucrose, and fructose.

                                                 bananas mashed 

Bananas have very important benefits when they are on breakfast as they give a sense of fulfillment and they are antioxidants. The fibers will give a sense of fulfillment and thus, you will be able to stay long period till you starve again.

Bananas are included in many wonderful recipes. Here is one of the best 5 recipes for having bananas on breakfast.

1- Banana Breakfast Bars Recipe

These Banana bars are very delicious and they are very easy to make. The recipe is having the following ingredients:

·         2 bananas that are ripe.

·         ¼ cup of oil. (I would go with coconut oil or any vegetable one)

·         Brown Sugar. (1.4 cups or you can increase or decrease according to your preference)

·         1 egg

·         1 teaspoon vanilla

·         1/2 teaspoon of salt

·         1/2 teaspoon baking soda

·         1/2 cup whole wheat flour

·         1 cup of oats

You can add chocolate chips or one tablespoon of peanut butter.

The steps are as follows:

-         First, heat the oven by 350°F and spray non-stick spray on a pan and insert foil.

-         Second, put the bananas in a bowl and mash them. Stir in oil, add brown sugar, add egg, vanilla, salt and stir all until they are all well combined. Add then the flour, oats, and baking soda and stir well. Spread on the pan. Tips: you can mash the bananas with a fork.

-         Put in the oven for around 20 minutes or once you see the round edges are formed and that the center is not showing a jiggly shape. Afterward, cool and slice them into bars.

-         You can add chocolate chips and peanut butter after melting them in the oven on top of the slices.

-         You can freeze and reheat for future snacks.

Enjoy the banana bars. They are very delicious and all the family members will love them.

Banana Bars 
2- Banana oatmeal cookies

In this recipe, you can add bananas along with oatmeal. Mix well and you can add Chocó chips in it for extra flavor. This recipe is very simple and very delicious.

3- Banana Pancakes

One of the easiest recipes and the most loved for breakfast is pancakes. You can refer to the recipe on Fluffy pancakes. You can add chocolate and slices of bananas in the pancakes for extra flavor and delicious taste.

                                                                Banana Pancakes 

4- Banana Bread Recipe

This recipe might take a long time to cook, but it is worth it! The ingredients are:

                                                        Banana Bread 

·      3 bananas are ripe.

·      1 cup of sugar. (I would go along with white sugar to boost taste, but you can choose brown sugar).

·      1 egg.

·      ¼ cup of melted butter.

·      1 cup and ½ of flour.

·      1 teaspoon of baking soda.


-      First, preheat the oven till 165 degrees C. spray nonstick sprays on the pan.

-      The second step, mash the bananas along with sugar, flour, salt, and sugar as well as the egg. Then stir the mix along with the melted butter and the baking soda.

-      The third step, leave it in the oven for one hour. You can check by inserting the fork in it if it is made or not yet. But keep an eye on it if after one hour.

Then, cut and serve for wonderful banana bread.

5- Banana smoothie recipe

This one of the easiest recipes and one of the most meals that will leave you with a sense of fulfillment and energy boost for the rest of the day. You can add bananas along with strawberries, Kiwi, avocado, and citrus. This smoothie would be left to cool or you can add ice to it. You can add ingredients and you can have a very healthy smoothie. It is full of vitamin boost and anti-oxidants. It is very delicious. You can even freeze and give to kids as popsicles.

Have a wonderful morning full of positive vibes.

