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What is the breakfast for a diabetic?

Healthy breakfast for diabetics, this is what diabetics are looking for, so this article is devoted to mentioning the most important information and tips about, What is the breakfast for a diabetic?.

Here are some points that clarify the goal of planning healthy food suitable for diabetics:

What is the breakfast for a diabetic?

Calculating carbohydrates and controlling blood sugar levels

All diabetics should know the amount of carbohydrates, which is either in grams or the number of alternatives. 

That it is preferable to eat in each meal they consume, consulting a doctor and a nutritionist to obtain the necessary.

As this amount varies from person to person depending on what the individual prefers, the degree of control of his blood sugar levels. 

The goals that must be achieved, the medications used by him, and others.

It should be noted that it is important to know this amount when planning meals;  Sometimes people with type 2 diabetes are more resistant to insulin in the morning than at other times of the day.

Knowing what to eat, how much, and when to eat it can make a significant difference in the body's ability to control blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes.

 Reducing the weight of diabetic patients who are overweight

 Losing weight can make it easier for the body to control their blood sugar levels, as well as improve cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

 Planning the right breakfast for a diabetic

Breakfast essentials A healthy, full-blown breakfast can make a big difference in your blood sugar levels.

 On the other hand, you should avoid adding some foods high in sugar and fat to it.

 For a healthy breakfast for diabetics, it must contain the following:

 Grains or starchy foods.

  •  fibres.
  •  Lean protein sources.
  •  healthy fats  vegetables.

 Below are some examples of each of them:

 Carbohydrates and fiber: 

  1.  Bread made from cereals.
  2.  wheat bread.  Whole wheat bread.
  3.  Whole grain tortilla bread.
  4.  Bread made from sourdough.


  • the milk.
  •  cheeses.
  •  yogurt.
  •  brick.
  •  eggs.

 Healthy fats:

  •  olive oil.
  •  avocado
  •  Coconut.
  •  milk products.
  •  nuts.
  •  Non-starchy vegetables:
  • tomatoes.
  •  sweet spicy.
  •  onions.
  •  Green leafy vegetables.

plate division model

Splitting a plate is an easy way to ensure you get enough lean sources of protein and non-starchy vegetables.

In addition to limiting the amount of foods high in carbohydrates that have the greatest effect on the sudden rise in blood sugar levels;  It is as follows:

 Use a dish with a diameter of approximately 23 centimeters.

 Fill half with non-starchy vegetables.

 Fill a quarter with lean protein.

 Fill the last quarter with grains or starchy foods.

 Examples of suitable breakfast dishes 

Diabetics may also need to take into account the glycemic index.  of different foodstuffs to help them plan the appropriate breakfast.

 It is an index that ranks carbohydrates in foods with numbers from 0-100, based on the degree to which they affect blood sugar levels.

 As foods with a low glycemic index are digested and absorbed more slowly by the body, which increases the feeling of satiety, and it should be noted that 15 grams of carbohydrates equal one serving.

 For more information on foods with a low glycemic index, you can read the article on foods with a low glycemic index.

Here are some examples of suitable breakfasts for diabetics, but it is worth remembering, as we mentioned earlier, that every person is different from the other with regard to planning meals for diabetics.

And therefore it is always necessary to consult a doctor or a nutritionist to know the appropriate quantities for each case..

Almonds and fruits

If you are in a hurry and don't have time to make an omelette or a sandwich, you can use almonds and fruits to make a delicious breakfast.

 Almonds increase your ability to control blood sugar and lipids in people with type 2 diabetes.  

A 2011 study published in the Journal of Metabolism found that eating a few almonds was linked to lower levels of insulin in the body.

Almonds and fruits for diabetics

The combination of almonds with fruits that have a low GI provides the power of antioxidants and other vital nutrients.

Some of the fruits that you can enjoy for breakfast are:

  •  berries
  •  peach
  •  apple
  •  orange

So, next time if you are in a hurry, grab a few unsalted almonds and fruits of your choice and all on the way.

If you have the time, mix chopped fruits and almonds, such as kiwi, pomegranate, apple, and strawberry, with 2 tablespoons of cheese.  You can also add some herbs to improve the flavor of your breakfast.

 Diet Suggested servings

 for example..

 A system containing 1200 calories

  •  Two servings of carbohydrates
  •   1 serving of milk
  •  Half a serving of vegetables
  •  One serving of meat
  •   1 serving of fat
  •  Two slices of toast
  •  a cup of milk
  •  Small tomato
  •  Two tablespoons of low-fat labneh or cheese
  •  A teaspoon of olive oil
  •   calorie diet 1500
  •  Two servings of carbohydrates
  •   1 serving of milk
  •  One serving of vegetables
  •  One serving of meat
  •   1 serving of fat
  •  Small loaf of Arabic bread
  •  Low fat milk
  •  a cucumber
  •  Two tablespoons of low-fat labneh or cheese
  •  A teaspoon of olive oil

 System contains 1800 calories

  •  Two servings of carbohydrates
  •  Half a serving of milk
  •  One serving of vegetables
  •  One serving of meat
  •  Two servings of fat
  •  Two slices of toast
  •  Half a cup of milk with tea or coffee
  •   1 tomato
  •  two egg whites
  •  Two teaspoons of olive oil with thyme

 An overview of diabetes

 Diabetes is defined as a metabolic disease that causes an increase in blood sugar levels, and there are two types of it.

Type 1 diabetes: in which the body is unable to make the hormone insulin.

In addition to type 2 diabetes: in which the body is unable to make or use insulin properly, which is the most common type.

In contrast, in a normal situation, insulin transports sugar from the blood into cells for storage or use as an energy source.

 It should be noted that persistently high levels of glucose in the blood can cause serious problems;  Such as damage to the eyes, nerves, or kidneys.


 It is important to measure your blood glucose level before and two hours after eating to learn the effects of any food or meal.

 The most useful cooking oil for you is olive oil.

 Avoid sugar-sweetened coffee in the morning to ensure a healthy breakfast.

 Keep your kitchen full of healthy, satisfying diabetic breakfast foods.

Click here if you are looking for healthy recipes with mango .

Click here for more information about diabetes.
